The Secretary of State to the High Commissioner in Haiti (J. H. Russell)
Sir: The Department has received your despatch of September 20, 1922, discussing the boundary question between Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
Although the Department is deeply interested in a just and permanent settlement of this boundary question, it does not feel that the matter could profitably be taken up with the Government of the Dominican Republic at the present time. The Military Government in that country will probably be withdrawn in the very near future and a provisional government will be established for the purpose of drafting certain legislation and holding elections. It does not seem probable that the boundary question could be dealt with satisfactorily during the period while this transition is taking place.
A copy of your despatch is, however, being sent to the American Legation at Santo Domingo for its information and for comment. The American Minister in Santo Domingo is being instructed to discuss with the American Commissioner in that country the advisability of re-establishing the Dominican Customs Guard. You will be duly informed when a reply from the Minister is received.
I am [etc.]