813.00 Washington/3: Telegram

The Chargé in Salvador (Hewes) to the Secretary of State

98. My 97, October 9, 12 m.52 The Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs called on me this afternoon at the request of the President and expressed the hope that the Department would invite the December preliminary conference53 to meet in Washington. This Government also earnestly desires the participation of Guatemala and Costa Rica in the conference. Repeated to the Legations at Guatemala City, Tegucigalpa, Managua and San José.

  1. Not printed.
  2. By the terms of art. 5 of the Tacoma agreement of Aug. 20, 1922, printed on p. 422, the Presidents of Honduras, Salvador, and Nicaragua agreed to call, in December, a “preliminary conference” to arrange for studies for a Central American Conference regarding free trade, unification of currency, etc.