813.00 Tacoma/–: Telegram

The Minister in Costa Rica (Davis) to the Acting Secretary of State

50. President Acosta has replied to invitation to subscribe to Tacoma agreement as follows:

“Giving ear to public opinion set forth in the daily papers of the country as well as the opinion of the members of the Cabinet and after a calm and careful analysis the Government over which I preside appreciates the honorable invitation but it abstains definitely from subscribing to the said agreement since it considers that on the part of Costa Rica the terms of the General Treaty of Peace and Amity celebrated in Washington in 1907 which this Government does not intend to denounce are sufficient.

“The occasion is opportune to express to Your Excellency that the Costa Rican Government and people fervently desire that the agreement signed on the Tacoma adjust forever the differences which gave origin to it and those which may arise in the future and that an era of peace and harmony benefit with its favors in [these] sister republics.”
