813.00 Tacoma/–: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Salvador (Schuyler)

40. Your telegrams 7743 and 78, August 13, 2 p.m., and August 14, 10 a.m.

As you were informed in the Department’s telegraphic instruction of August 12, 11 a.m., the Nicaraguan Government suggested the proposed conference, and the suggestion was immediately accepted by the President of Honduras. The Department feels that the conference should take place at the earliest possible moment, and the Department understands that the Tacoma is now at Ama-pala. The Department, of course, does not wish any revolutionary disturbances in any of the countries, but perceives no reason why President Melendez’s participation in the conference proposed could be interpreted as flight and refuge on a United States ship if it is known that the conference takes place on the invitation of the United States, and you are accordingly authorized to make public the fact that the United States has invited the three Presidents to participate in a conference in Fonseca Bay. The Department is informing all countries concerned that it expects them to maintain quiet and order during the conference.

If, after the announcement by you of the conference, you still have reason to believe that there will be internal political disorders in Salvador, immediately communicate your views to the Department, [Page 421] especially as to whether you think an announcement by the Department, through your Legation, to the effect that it hopes the coming conference will be productive of results for the peace of Central America, and will look with displeasure and disapproval upon any revolutionary movements which may take place during the course of that conference, would be helpful in stabilizing the situation so as to permit the attendance of the President at the proposed conference.

  1. Not printed.