813.00 Tacoma/–: Telegram

The Minister in Honduras (Morales) to the Secretary of State

61. Referring to the Department’s telegram of July 31, 5 p.m.41 The President of Honduras greatly appreciates the opportunity of conferring with the President of Nicaragua over border and inter-revolutionary difficulties on board the Tacoma and accepts the proposition of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua. He also considers a conference absolutely essential at this time and requests an early date for the arrival of the Tacoma.

[Page 419]

Owing to a law prohibiting the absence of the President from the country without the consent of Congress he suggests that the conference be held at some point in the Gulf of Fonseca considered as Honduranean and Nicaraguan waters. As the revolutionary movement in Salvador against the Government of Honduras seems to be gaining strength I suggest that representations be made to the President of Salvador to participate in this conference. Repeated to American Legation Managua.

  1. Not printed; see last paragraph of telegram to Nicaragua, supra.