550 E 1/145: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Italy (Child)


41. Your 44 of March 27. If you go to Genoa you may take a code clerk and if necessary, a secretary. Dominian authorized to report to you temporarily. Expense should be kept as low as possible and a separate account should be submitted. Report an estimate of the amount necessary.

The Department is considering orders to Logan,14 if Boyden15 can spare him, to assist in gathering financial and economic information, particularly among experts of foreign delegations concerned with these subjects.

As this Government has declined invitation to the Conference, you should be extremely careful to avoid giving impression that you are participating officially or unofficially in any capacity whatsoever. You will not in any sense be the representative of this Government at Conference but, as American Ambassador to Italy, you will proceed to Genoa because you desire to keep your Government informed, as far as possible, of what transpires. There is no objection to your attending public sessions if you consider it appropriate, or if any colleagues whose Governments are not taking part in Conference do likewise.

Report fully by mail what you learn, and, when necessary, by cable, but in that case report only items not covered by the press.

You should be careful to express no opinion concerning negotiations or debates.

Department relies entirely on your discretion.

  1. Col. James A. Logan, Jr., assistant American representative on the Reparation Commission.
  2. Roland W. Boyden, American representative on the Reparation Commission.