500.A41a/5a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Harvey)77

531. Limitation of Armament Conference.

Please inform Foreign Office that this Government desires to make the following tentative suggestions as to agenda for Conference.

Limitation of Armament.

Limitation of Naval Armament, under which shall be discussed
Basis of limitation
Rules for control of new agencies of warfare.
Limitation of land armament.

Pacific and Far Eastern Questions.

Questions relating to China.
  • First: Principles to be applied.
  • Second: Application.

Subjects: (a) Territorial integrity.
(b) Administrative integrity.
(c) Open door,—equality of commercial and industrial opportunity.
(d) Concessions, monopolies or preferential economic privileges.
(e) Development of railways, including plans relating to Chinese Eastern Railway.
(f) Preferential railroad rates.
(g) Status of existing commitments.

  • (similar headings)
Mandated Islands.
  • (unless questions earlier settled)

Under the heading of “Status of Existing Commitments” it is expected that opportunity will be afforded to consider and to reach an understanding with respect to unsettled questions involving the [Page 68] nature and scope of commitments under which claims of rights may hereafter be asserted.

These suggestions will be communicated to all the Powers invited to the Conference.

Repeat to Paris as Department’s 417 and Rome as Department’s 151.

  1. See last paragraph for instructions to repeat to Paris (no. 417) and Rome (no. 151). The same telegram to Tokyo (no. 151) without instructions to repeat (file no. 500.A41a/2a).