500.A41/2a: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives in France, Great Britain, Italy, and Japan


Conference on Limitation of Armament. After President Harding had issued invitations to the Conference, representatives of Belgium and the Netherlands made representations to the Department requesting that they also should be invited. It was explained that under the circumstances the President had considered it best to limit to the four Principal Allied Powers invitations to Conference on Limitation of Armaments (China having been invited to take part only in the discussion concerning Far Eastern affairs) but that because of their interest in the matter, their inclusion in discussions concerning Pacific and Far Eastern problems would be taken up with four Principal Allied Powers after they had accepted invitation.

The President accordingly would now be pleased to invite the Belgian and Netherland Governments to the Conference for the [Page 67] purpose only of taking part in discussion of Pacific and Far Eastern problems if the Government to which you are accredited has no objection. Please inquire and send results by cable as soon as possible.
