The Honduran Minister (López Gutiérrez) to the Secretary of State
The Minister of Honduras presents his respects to His Excellency the Secretary of State, and takes the liberty of informing him that he is advised that there are in New Orleans the Hondurans, Santiago Meza Calix, Joaquin Alvarado and Fernando Díaz Zelaya, who belong to the regime overthrown by the revolution which lately broke out in Honduras, and who are engaged in preparing an expedition against that country and endeavoring to send arms to Salvador to start their expedition from that place.
The Minister of Honduras would be thankful to the Department of State if it would issue orders to prevent that filibustering expedition against his country, the only result of which would be more shedding of blood without any success.
The Minister of Honduras once more offers to His Excellency the Secretary of State the assurance of his distinguished consideration.
- File translation revised.↩