814.00/389: Telegram
The Minister in Guatemala (McMillin) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 9—12:30 a.m.]
63. The Assembly met this morning 9 o’clock. It had been reported that the session had been called off and the President did not attend. Legation informed that President of the Assembly replied to commission which waited on him that his non attendance was on account of overtaking [sic] presidential order. The Assembly having full quorum impeachment charges were made against President Estrada. Subsequently the charge that he is insane was made and is now being considered in secret session. Four physicians have been appointed to report on the question and it is believed they will make their report today. It is not probable they will personally visit the President to make an examination. The session is not held at armory as it has been since the earthquakes but at Congressional Hall. Several thousand citizens are around the hall. Soldiers are also near the building but no violence yet reported. Aguirre, leader of Unionists, says that telephone operatives report that when President was telephoned that impeachment proceedings were initiated he ordered troops from barracks to dissolve the Assembly but troops were turned back some blocks away from Assembly hall. Impeachment proceedings will probably be concluded before adjournment today. The excitement great and situation most grave. Many believe that President will declare martial law. Two officers from United States steamship Tacoma here and Legation has made arrangements to bring troops from our ships if necessary.