814.00/328: Telegram
The Chargé in Guatemala (Scotten) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 5—2:38 a.m.]
1. My December 31, 8 p.m.2
Pamphlets distributed January 1 causing wide spread comment. Legation reliably informed by several sources, all of which agree, nomenclature new party purely cloak to cover true aim, namely downfall President Cabrera. Signers of pamphlet for the most part men of means and standing and many are known to be clericals and sympathizers with Bishop Piñol. All of Legation’s informants3 believe that these men will not be easily intimidated and that distribution of pamphlets marks beginning of the end of present regime. Impression general that new party has at least approval, if not support of Government of the United States. One of Legation’s most reliable informants states that result of Legation’s negotiations with President as regards sale of enemy’s properties will have considerable effect upon standing and strength of new party.
Legation informed by indubitable source that Antonio C. Rivera, director of military academy at the time of attempted assassination of the President 1908, arrested and held in jail several hours last night on the charge of being the leader of new party but finally released.
- For previous correspondence on the political affairs of Guatemala, see Foreign Relations, 1919, vol. ii, pp. 263 ff.↩
- ibid., p. 269.↩