870.811/47: Telegram
The Chargé in France (Harrison) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 12—7 p.m.]
1538. Department’s 1336, August 5, 5 p.m. On June 7th last Secretariat General of Peace Conference advised German Government that, upon the request of Allied Powers that the Government of the United States should designate an arbitrator for purposes specified in articles 339 and 357 and in paragraph 6 of annex 3 of part 8 of Treaty of Versailles, said Government had named Walker D. Hines, and Secretariat General expressed desire of Allied Powers to see German Government appoint delegates who would represent it in its relations with arbitrator.
On July 12th, Secretariat of Peace Conference not having received advice as to appointment of German delegates again communicated with representatives of German Government on the subject calling their attention to fact that arbitrator was on the point of holding a conference at which it was desired to have various governments represented by their delegates.
[Page 270]On July 15th, German delegation advised that Messrs. Seeliger and Werrmann [Woermann?] had been designated as delegates plenipotentiary of German Government for all questions concerning the cession of the inland fleet citing paragraph 6 of annex 3 of part 8 and articles 339 and 357 of treaty of peace.