862.00B/2: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Commissioner at Berlin (Dresel)
950. Your telegram no. 911 of July 31. The Department has confidence in your judgment regarding advisability of acceding to request of Simons concerning Mission’s privileges. You should, however, if opportune, tell him that this Government is surprised that he should have requested United States Commissioner to cede privilege of access to the diplomatic gallery which was accorded the Commission on its arrival. Request of Simons has, in at least one respect, placed the American Commissioner on a level with Soviet representative. It is also a further indication of failure of German Government to appreciate value and significance of participation of the United States in European affairs. This regrettable attitude of the German Government was made clear recently in Simons’ remarks to you regarding Hines, your 910 of July 31, 6 p.m.,3 in reply to which Department’s views were set forth in telegram to Paris of August 5 for transmission to you.3 If German Government should request further concession to enable it to gratify bolshevik representative’s demands, report at once to the Department and await instructions.