
The Acting Secretary of State to the British Chargé (Lindsay)

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Notes Nos. 121 and 158 of February 24 and March 12, 1920, respectively, requesting information as to whether Mr. Stevens, the American representative on the Allied Technical Board at Harbin, will remain at Harbin and if so for how long. In your note of March 12th you state that His Majesty’s Government intends to retain the services of General Beckett on the Technical Board so long as Mr. Stevens remains at Harbin.

I have the honor to reply that recent reports from Mr. Stevens indicate that a general strike has occurred on the Chinese Eastern Railway which will doubtless result in a delay in the evacuation of the Czecho-Slovak troops. It is the intention to have Mr. Stevens remain at Harbin at least until the Czecho-Slovak troops have been evacuated and as conditions now prevailing make the completion of their evacuation somewhat uncertain it will be difficult to set any definite limit to his stay.

Accept [etc.]

Frank L. Polk