Drafting of the statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice—Transmission of the statute and the protocol of signature to President Wilson

[22] The Minister in the Netherlands (Phillips) to the Secretary of State

500.C114/21: Telegram

[23] The Minister in the Netherlands (Phillips) to the Secretary of State

500.C114/22: Telegram

[24] The Secretary of State to the Minister in the Netherlands (Phillips)

500.C114/22: Telegram

[25] The Minister in the Netherlands (Phillips) to the Secretary of State

500.C114/26: Telegram

[26] The Minister in the Netherlands (Phillips) to the Secretary of State

500.C114/32: Telegram

[27] The Minister in the Netherlands (Phillips) to the Secretary of State


  1. At the White House; referred to the Department of State Mar. 2, 1921.