760c.60f/28: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Czechoslovakia (Crane)
83. Your 162, July 3, noon.
The Department is unable to understand the attitude of Minister Benes. As you must be aware, the Polish Diet resolution, which he refers to as having been passed to break relations with Czechoslovakia, was an irresponsible movement which was not acted upon by the Polish Government. The Department does not consider that the statements published in the Polish press regarding the Teschen plebiscite are to be taken any more seriously than statements on the same question published in the press of Czechoslovakia, which is quite as exaggerated in its antipathy as that of Poland.
You will discreetly intimate to Benes that his attitude at a time so critical in the political life of Poland can scarcely be understood. [Page 44] You might further suggest to him that the support of Poland is vital to the welfare of Czechoslovakia. You will furthermore intimate to him that any attitude which he now adopts toward Poland in this great crisis will be likely to affect the sympathy which has been felt for his country.