The Acting Secretary of State to the British Ambassador (Geddes)
Excellency: Referring to your note No. 306 of May 18, 1920, in regard to participation by the Government of the United States in a conference to be held in Ottawa in September or October next, to decide on a program of scientific fishery investigation of common interest to the United States and Canada, on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, I have the honor to inform you that the Department of Commerce, through the Bureau of Fisheries, will be pleased to be represented at the proposed conference.
The Secretary of Commerce in making this announcement states that at the present time there appears to be no special reason for the formation of a formal international body for the purpose in view, but that there should undoubtedly be cooperative planning as to the methods scope, et cetera, in order that the maximum results may be obtained in the shortest time and at the least expense.
The Secretary of Commerce suggests that a convenient time for the conference would be in September, immediately before or after the meeting of the American Fisheries Society which occurs in Ottawa, September 20, 21, and 22.
Accept [etc.]