824.00/118a: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil (Morgan)
54. For your information.
As a result of a confidential inquiry the Department is informed that the Government of Argentina is in accord with the view expressed to it by this Government that the moment has not yet arrived for recognition of the new Government of Bolivia; that the elections to be held in Bolivia in November will afford the first indication as to whether the new Government has the formal support of the Bolivian people. The two Governments believe it advisable to wait until a government has been formed as a result of the elections in accordance with the Constitution before recognizing it.
You may inform the Minister for Foreign Affairs confidentially of the views of this Government and state that the Government of the United States will be glad if the Government of Brazil will [Page 382] confirm the impression received by this Government that it coincides in its views regarding recognition of Bolivia as expressed above, omitting for the present any reference to the interchange of views between this Government and that of Argentina. You may also state that if the two Governments find themselves in accord regarding the inadvisability of according recognition until at least after the elections and the establishment of a stable and constitutional government in Bolivia, the Government of the United States will be glad to inform the Government of Brazil before taking any action looking towards recognition and would appreciate similar notification from the Brazilian Government.