824.00/105a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Argentina (Wadsworth)


96. You are instructed to inquire discreetly of the Minister of Foreign Affairs whether the Government of Argentina has come to any decision in regard to recognizing the de facto Government of Bolivia. You may inform him that this Government is not yet entirely certain how far the new Government is representative of popular sentiment. It is this Government’s opinion that the extent to which the new Government represents the will of the Bolivian people will determine its continued stability. Satisfactory evidence on that point cannot be obtained, in this Government’s opinion, until after the December general elections which the revolutionary Junta has announced to take place then. You may add that this Government would appreciate a confidential expression from the Argentine Government on this point; also that this Government hopes that the United States and Argentina may find themselves in accord in regard to the appropriate time for extending recognition.
