The Chargé des Affaires in the Dominican Republic (Brewer) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 27.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to your instructions Nos. 337 and 339 of April 20 and 23, 1920, respectively (File Nos. 738.3915/207 and 738.3915/209)51 and to herewith enclose two copies of the proposed protocol between the Dominican Republic and the Republic of Haiti for arbitration by His Holiness The Pope of the frontier question pending settlement between the two countries. The Minister for Foreign Affairs, in his note transmitting me the draft of the protocol, says “protocol that this Ministry intends to submit to the Haitian Minister as soon as it is known that it is satisfactory to the Government of the United States”. The Military Governor has requested me to ask the Department to telegraph its approval or disapproval of the protocol, as he is anxious to go to Haiti on this matter as soon as may be practicable.
In the event that the Department approves of this protocol, I respectfully suggest that the American Minister at Port-au-Prince be instructed to [use] his good offices in its behalf with the Haitian Government.
I have [etc.]
- Neither instruction printed.↩