Memorandum by the Third Assistant Secretary of State (Merle-Smith)
Memorandum of conference between the Japanese Ambassador, Mr. Senzaburo Kaseyama, Major General Kazutsugu Inouye, Captain Junichi Kiyokawa, the Delegates to the Communications Conference and Mr. Norman Davis, Mr. Walter Rogers and Mr. Merle-Smith.
The call was mainly one for the purpose of introducing the Japanese Delegates to Mr. Davis.
Mr. Davis stated that he felt the main purpose of the Conference was to increase cable communications between nations since there could be nothing better adapted toward bettering relations. This particularly applied between Japan and the United States as better knowledge each of the other could not but increase friendly relations between the two countries.
The matter of cable communications between Japan and the United States was taken up. Japanese stated present cable lines were charging very high rates and they were desirous of having a cable probably jointly owned by the two Governments. It was pointed out to the Japanese that we had been of the same opinion, but that the Cable Companies, however, had stated there were certain technical difficulties to joint operation, and had suggested that [Page 132] two cables were necessary and that it might be better to have one entirely owned by Japan and one by the United States, granting terminal facilities to each in both countries. The Ambassador expressed personal concurrence with such plan. He did not, however, commit his Government.
Mr. Davis further stated he believed the question of Yap would be settled to the advantage of both countries.
There was also discussed the possibility of a cable from Japan near the Allusion [Aleutian] and Kurile Islands. The Japanese felt that this would be impracticable on account of the ice.