862i.01/12: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Wallace) to the Secretary of State

1159. Your 930 May 14, 3 p.m.93 There are minutes of six meetings held on May 3rd, 1919, numbered J C[I C] 180 A, 180 B, 180 C, 180 D, 181 (American Mission number F M 11) and 181 A. Undoubtedly Department refers to 180 B held at the President’s house at which the President, Mr. Lansing, Lloyd George, Balfour, Clemenceau, Pichon, Makino and Chinda were present. The Italians at the time were absent; meeting was short; no discussion given; draft resolution regarding disposition of German cables was considered. First paragraph of draft resolution with an additional paragraph was accepted for inclusion in the German treaty (see annex VII to article 24494). It was decided that paragraphs 2 and 3 of draft with slight modifications should form the subject of a separate protocol between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers. As accepted, paragraphs 2 and 3 read as follows:

“2. Such of the above mentioned cables as are now in use shall continue to be worked in the conditions at present existing but such working shall not prejudice the right of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers to decide the future status of these cables in such way as they may think fit.

The Principal Allied and Associated Powers may make such arrangements as they may think fit for bringing into operation any of the said cables which are not at present in use.

3. The Principal Allied and Associated Powers shall, as soon as possible, arrange for the convoking of an international congress to consider all international aspects of communication by land [telegraphs], cables, or wireless telegraphy, and to make recommendations to the Principal Allied and Associated Powers with a view to [Page 122] providing the entire world with adequate facilities of this nature on a fair and equitable basis.”

Copies of six minutes mentioned above will be forwarded by next pouch.96

  1. Not printed; it requested copy of minutes of meeting of Council of Ten held May 3, 1919, in which status of Yap was discussed.
  2. First par. of annex vii to art. 244 of the Treaty of Versailles reads: “Germany renounces on her own behalf and on behalf of her nationals in favour of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers all rights, titles or privileges of whatever nature in the submarine cables set out below, or in any portions thereof”.
  3. Copies of the minutes referred to were transmitted with the Ambassador’s despatch no. 1195, May 17 (file no. 862i.01/13); not printed.