811.24/479: Telegram
The Commission to Negotiate Peace to the Secretary of State
[Received 4:45 a.m.]
4828. Your 3512, October 21, 3 p.m. Commission is advised that one proposal dated June 6, 1919, was received by Liquidation Commission from Ukrainian Republic. All quartermaster supplies under this proposal have been delivered, as well as medical supplies, the latter amounting to $1, 128,951.24. The total property actually delivered to Ukrainian Republic amounts to $8,557,771.59. Proposal also contained motor equipment but the delivery of practically all motor equipment was canceled because of objection raised by French Government. France stated it actually needed this motor equipment and the Liquidation Commission therefore decided to cancel undelivered material of this kind contained in all proposals by the liberated states. Commission is mailing Department itemized list of articles in Ukrainian proposal. Peace Commission was not consulted on this transaction.
General Jadwin’s report on the situation in the Ukraine, with particular reference to Jewish conditions and the practicability of relief, will be sent by mail immediately and a full résumé telegraphed Department today. Red Cross being requested to instruct its representatives now in the Ukraine to report as fully as possible on this subject.