861.48/1035: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Commissioner at Riga (Gade)
There are now at Viborg in charge of American Vice Consul Imbrie over 30,000 tons of flour and small quantities other foodstuffs forwarded during Yudenich’s drive against Petrograd. Miller reports about thousand tons flour at Reval. Viborg stores are considered property Russians but like Reval stores can only be disposed of by Russians under our control and with our consent. It is the Department’s opinion that both Viborg and Reval stores should continue to be used in consonance with the original general intention, namely that of assisting Yudenich.
There are numbers of refugees in Esthonia from the regions temporarily occupied by Yudenich in his recent unsuccessful advance. The remnants of his troops and the sick and wounded of his army are in Esthonia. It is believed, therefore, that the Viborg stocks should be available as needed for the support of all three categories [Page 749] and it is immaterial whether this support is administered directly by the remaining Yudenich authorities to persons having a moral claim on them or indirectly by Esthonian institutions which have assumed care of such dependents.
As senior representative of State Department in the Baltic you will carry out Department’s desires cooperating with Imbrie who is informed and Miller, Hoover’s Child Fund representative at Reval.