
General Tasker H. Bliss of the Commission to Negotiate Peace to the Russian Ambassador to the United States (Bakhmeteff), temporarily at Paris

Memorandum for Monsieur Bakhmeteff:

With reference to the conversation between General Bliss and Mr. Bakhmeteff of July 3rd, information is requested as to (a) the [Page 684] measures the representatives of Admiral Koltchak at Paris would propose in order to finance, organize and support the anti-Bolshevist forces in the Baltic Provinces and Lithuania, and (b) the assurances they would give as to the future autonomy of Esthonia, Latvia and Lithuania, together with a specific statement as to the nature of the autonomy.

The approaching withdrawal of the German forces and the critical situation in these regions call for a firm military and political policy in order to maintain this anti-Bolshevist front and not to jeopardize the gains that have already been made from the Bolshevists. In view of the urgency of the matter an early reply would be appreciated.

Furthermore, the military situation requiring the immediate support and strengthening of the Russian Volunteer anti-Bolshevist forces in the Baltic Provinces, will General Rodzianko and Prince Lieven be recognized by the representatives of Admiral Koltchak at Paris as the respective leaders of these forces?

Tasker H. Bliss