861.00/3604: Telegram
The Chargé in Denmark (Osborne) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received 11:15 p.m.]
3419. Legation’s 3410, Jan. 6, 5 p.m. I was shown yesterday at British Legation two “secret” reports dated January 1st and 2nd, from Admiral Sinclair, commanding Sixth Light Cruiser Squadron on activities off Esthonian coast. He pictures hopeless ineffectiveness of Provisional Governments of Esthonia and Latvia to deal with present crisis. Populations apathetic towards Governments and afraid to join military organizations against Bolsheviks. Germans to the last apparently did much to prevent development and mobilization of native militia and refused promised supplies of arms and ammunition upon departure; Esthonian Government repeatedly requested British protectorate be declared which Sinclair [Page 667] replied was out of the question; he, however, seemed to regard with favor further Esthonian requests for despatch of a British command and staff.
I learned also at British Legation that British War Council is “considering favorably” latter requests. Admiral Sinclair’s squadron has left for England and been relieved by other British naval forces, which are still lying in Copenhagen. Delegation of members of Esthonian Government, which recently passed through here en route to England, will presumably press their requests for proclamation of British protectorate or military help. Repeated to Am[erican] mission Paris. Copenhagen to London.