Paris Peace Conference 184.02202/8: Telegram
Mr. William C. Bullitt to the Commission to Negotiate Peace
[Received in Paris March 18, 1919, 5:50 p.m.]
Bull 8. Attention Mr. Grew.73
Expect to send Pettit back to Petrograd Tuesday to investigate conditions in detail and maintain communications. Have planned unofficial but reliable courier service between Consul Helsingfors and Petrograd. Pettit requests that Sergeant Krause, from his office, be sent immediately to Helsingfors with $200 worth of army commissary supplies in sealed packages, nothing to be had here, and that Krause be given courier passport and civilian clothing, and asked to bring Pettit’s mail. He will assist Pettit and help him keep in touch with Helsingfors. I fully endorse this request. Please answer by telegraph at either Stockholm or Christiania if you approve. Personally will return to Paris via Stockholm, Bergen, Newcastle, London, as quickly as possible to explain matters in detail. Expect to leave Helsingfors Tuesday and be in Paris in less than ten days. Lynch and Steffens return with me. All our party well and most courteously treated.
- Joseph C. Grew, secretary-general of the Commission to Negotiate Peace.↩