861.00/4080a: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Consul at Vladivostok (Caldwell)

Please note and bring to the attention of Ambassador Morris, General Graves, Admiral Rodgers, and forward following instructions [Page 478] to Consul-General Harris to present orally and informally to Omsk authorities.

“The Government of the United States has noted that apparently General Ivanof-Rinof, commanding Russian forces in maritime district, and who acknowledges the authority of the Omsk Government, has prevented public meetings to be held by orderly elements of the population for the purpose of discussing public questions and has now arrested and deported, without trial or process of law, several prominent Zemstvo leaders and in general seems inclined to adopt autocratic and reactionary methods. Similar reports have been received regarding action in one or two instances, taken at Omsk by military groups there, who apparently have acted in some cases without authority. Please say quite frankly to the Omsk Government that if it cannot arrange for these representatives to conduct themselves with greater restraint the result will have a most unfortunate effect upon public opinion in this country and very seriously embarrass the support which the United States is now lending the authorities in Siberia in the shipment of supplies, including military equipment, bank notes and railway materials, and will, furthermore, complicate the situation as regards the services of Mr. Stevens and the Russian Railway Service Corps.”
