The Department of State to the British Embassy
The question of the repatriation of Chinese coolies now in Russia, as presented in the memorandum of His Britannic Majesty’s Chargé d’Affaires of January 20, 1919, was referred to the American Minister in Peking for comment and a reply has now been received to the following effect:
The Minister considers the repatriation of the Chinese coolies from Russia is not practicable because the Chinese Government has no means of taking action there and because the presence of these coolies in China in large numbers would endanger the peace of that country at this time. The coolies probably consist in a large measure of Manchurian brigands and Black Guards besides about fifty thousand labor coolies. The British and Russian Ministers at Peking agree with the American Minister that it is inadvisable to return the coolies to China at present.
In view of the unanimity of opinion in Peking adverse to the proposal the Department of State believes there is no alternative but to concur in that opinion and it has accordingly so instructed Mr. Reinsch today.