811.20261/15: Telegram
The Minister in Norway (Schmedeman) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received 2:50 p.m.]
1569. I have received a note from the Minister for Foreign Affairs dated 8th instant advising me that, according to a report dated December 31st last from the Norwegian Consul at Moscow, the Russian Foreign Office at Moscow in a note dated December 28th requested the Norwegian Foreign Office to inform the interested Governments that the Government of the Russian People’s Republic [Page 171] agrees to release American citizen Kalamatiano and the English Missionary [mission] which is under arrest at Vladikavkaz, provided that the commissaries and other representative men of the Russian People’s Republic and authorities arrested at Baku, Blagoveshchensk and Vladivostok by the Allied troops are also released. It is added that the exchange can be effected over the lines.
Am[erican] mission Paris advised.
Copy to London.