
The British Chargé (Barclay) to the Acting Secretary of State17

No. 43


His Britannic Majesty’s Chargé d’Affaires presents his compliments to the Acting Secretary of State and has the honour to inform him that His Majesty’s Government have received from the Russian representative in London a copy of a telegram from the Omsk Government, urging that when the Russian question is discussed at the Peace Conference, their representatives should be permitted to be present. The telegram states that the list of the representatives of the Omsk Government is being prepared, and urges that the discussion of the Russian question should be delayed until they are able to arrive at Paris. It is understood that the situation in Russia and the policy of the Allies in regard thereto will be discussed at an early meeting of the Conference, and no doubt a decision will then be taken as to the recognition of the Omsk Government. A decision in favour of recognition would grant the principle of representation at the Conference, and the delegates would thereby be placed on a different footing to their present one. His Majesty’s Ambassador in Paris has been directed to inform the French Government of the request from the Government of Omsk and of the views of His Majesty’s Government in the matter.

  1. Repeated to the Commission to Negotiate Peace in telegram no. 316, Jan. 20, 1919, 2 p.m.