Paris Peace Conf. 181.921/64: Telegram

The Interallied Military Mission to the Commander in Chief of the Serbian Forces

It is reported that Serbian troops have this date crossed the Hungarian boundary prescribed by the Armistice conditions of November 13th, 1918.7 The undersigned having been appointed as members of the Interallied Military Mission to Hungary, request that if this report be true you take immediate steps to have any such invading forces withdrawn. The instructions to the Interallied Military Mission to Hungary include a requirement to have the troops of all neighboring [Page 637] powers remain behind the frontiers prescribed by the Armistice or to indicate such portions of Hungary as might be temporarily occupied. No authority has yet been given your forces for such occupancy. It is trusted and believed that the report in question is in error, or if not that it is due to mistaken instructions or excess of zeal on the part of a subordinate and that you will rectify same immediately. Please acknowledge receipt hereof.

General Bandholtz

American Representative
General Gorton

British Representative

Copy respectfully furnished to Hungarian Government, Budapest.

H. H. Bandholtz

American Representative
R. St. G. Gorton

British Representative