Paris Peace Conf. 180.0501/16
Supreme Economic Council: Sixteenth Meeting Held at the Ministry of
Commerce [on 5th May, 1919, at 10 a.m.]
May 5, 1919,
10 a.m.
The Supreme Economic Council held its Sixteenth Meeting on Monday, 5th
May, 1919, at 10 a.m. under the Chairmanship of Lord Robert Cecil.
The Associated Governments were represented as follows:—
United Kingdom. |
Mr. J. M. Keynes, |
Sir Wm. Mitchell Thomson, |
Mr. E. F. Wise. |
United States. |
Mr. McCormick, |
Mr. Hoover, |
Mr. Norman Davis, |
Mr. Baruch, |
Mr. Robinson. |
France. |
M. Clémentel, |
M. Celier, |
M. Seydoux, |
M. de Lasteyrie. |
Italy. |
Prof. Attolico. |
Belgium. |
M. de Cartier de Marchienne. |
The Minutes of the Fifteenth Meeting were approved subject to the
following addition to Minute 128 proposed by the American Delegates:—
Further resolved that imports of foodstuffs into the Northern
Neutrals and Switzerland may for the present be permitted freely
subject only to such regulations as may be prescribed by the
country of exportation, but this action shall not, however,
relieve the importing country from any existing guarantees
against re-exportation to Hungary or Bolshevik
It was agreed that the Naval Authorities should be informed of the above
decision so that they might be in a position to make such arrangements
as they consider necessary.
131. Conditions in Hungary.
(i) Blockade.
The American Delegates enquired whether the Council would be prepared to
recommend the removal of the blockade restrictions on Hungary
immediately in the event of the political situation becoming such as
would warrant this action being taken.
[Page 229]
It was agreed:
- (a)
- that from a blockade point of view there would be no objection
to the lifting of the blockade on Hungary as soon as the
political situation permitted.
- (b)
- that, provided the necessary recommendation were received from
the Council of Foreign Ministers, the Blockade Section should be
authorised to take steps immediately to remove the blockade on
- (c)
- that the Council of Foreign Ministers should be notified
(ii) Food.
The Director-General of Relief reported receipt of information to the
effect that the situation in Hungary was improving and pointed out that
the supply of food to that district was becoming an urgent problem. It
appeared that a considerable quantity of breadstuffs, meat and fats
existed in the Banat and surrounding countries in excess of that
required for Greater Serbia and was available for export to Hungary, but
that the Serbian Government appeared unwilling to facilitate the export
of the commodities.
A Memorandum (119) from the Director-General of Relief on the
revictualling of Hungary was submitted.
It was agreed:—
- (a)
- that the Director-General of Relief should be authorised to
inform the Serbian Government that it is essential that the
revictualling of Hungary and Roumania should be conducted at
least in part from the surplus of the Banat and surrounding
- (b)
- that the Serbian Government should be requested to co-operate
with the Supreme Economic Council and the Food Section in
securing the immediate and regular movement of these foodstuffs
to Hungary;
- (c)
- that the Finance Section should consider what financial
arrangements can be made to allow of imports of foodstuffs to
132. Situation in Latvia and
It being pointed out that stores of foodstuffs intended for the
revictualling of the populations of Latvia and Lithuania were not yet
being distributed owing to objections raised by the Allied Naval
Authorities, although the representatives of the Food Section had
expressed the opinion that distribution could with safety be commenced,
it was agreed:—
- (a)
- to report on the position again to the Council of Foreign
- (b)
- to request the Allied Naval Authorities to state immediately
their reasons for postponing still further the landing of
foodstuffs at Libau.
133. Relations With Germany.
With reference to Minutes 114 and 122 the Chairman reported receipt of a
letter from the British Prime Minister stating that although
[Page 230]
the Council of Heads of States
appreciated the importance of the entire suspension of the blockade on
Germany they considered it would be preferable to take no action in the
matter for the present.
134. Trade With Occupied German
- (i)
- With reference to Minute 127 it was reported:—
- (a)
- that the Sub-Committee on Germany had considered the
resolutions passed by the Council in conjunction with
certain regulations proposed by the Luxemburg
- (b)
- that these regulations as amended and approved had been
forwarded to the Rhineland Commission to put into
- (c)
- that the regulations had been forwarded to the Finance
Section but that owing to an ambiguity in one of the clauses
the matter had not yet been considered in detail;
- (ii)
- The American Delegates reported receipt of information to the
effect that considerable quantities of commodities other than
foodstuffs were being exported from the occupied to the unoccupied
territories particularly through Alsace and it was agreed that all
the information available should be given to the French Delegates
who undertook to make enquiries into the position and report to the
Council at its next Meeting.
135. Requisitioning of Foreign
Securities on the Left Bank of the Rhine.
The Financial Delegates reported that the Finance Section having decided
that Germany should be permitted to requisition foreign securities on
the Left Bank of the Rhine the German Delegates at Vilette had been
notified to that effect. Subsequently, however, some confusion had
arisen through a telegram on the same subject sent to the German
Armistice Commission by Marshal Foch.
It was now proposed that a further telegram should be sent to clear up
the situation and a draft prepared by the French Delegates (120) was
submitted and approved subject to the following amendments:—
- (a)
- the omission of paragraph 2 Clause (b).
- (b)
- the addition at the end of the last sentence of the telegram
of the following words:—
“it being understood that requisitioning
shall be carried out on the same principle and by the
same methods on both sides of the
136. Failure by Germany To Sign the
Preliminaries of Peace.
Statements prepared by M. Seydoux (121) and by Captain McNamee (U. S. N.)
(122) and submitted to the Blockade Section, embodying proposals
regarding blockade measures which might be adopted in the event of the
German Delegates refusing to sign the Preliminaries of Peace, were
[Page 231]
The following resolution submitted by the American Delegates was
“That the Blockade Section be instructed to prepare immediately,
in consultation with the Naval and Military Authorities, and
submit for consideration by the Council of Foreign Ministers a
plan for the instant application,” in case of need, of the
fullest possible pressure of Blockade upon
137. Rationing of Raw Materials to
A resolution from the British Delegates (123) and an extract from the
Minutes of the Finance Section (124) regarding the rationing and supply
of raw materials to Germany, were considered.
It was agreed that it was undesirable at the present juncture and in view
of the serious financial difficulties involved, to send a formal
communication to the German Government requesting information regarding
their requirements of raw materials but that there would be no objection
to the Delegates of the Associated Governments on the Raw Materials
Section discussing the question verbally with the German Delegates now
at Versailles without in any way committing any of the Associated
138. Purchase by Allies of Commodities
Available for Export From Germany.
(a) Dyestuffs.
A resolution (125) from the Raw Materials Section and a Scheme of
Arrangement (126) for pledging German stocks of dyestuffs as security
for an advance for supplies of foodstuffs to Germany were approved in
principle subject to final approval of the details by the Sub-Committee
appointed by the Raw Materials Section and to the approval of the
Finance Section.
(b) Prohibition and Pre-emption
A resolution (127) from the British Delegates suggesting that the Allied
and Associated Governments should waive their right of preemption,
except as regards dyestuffs and coal, under the terms of the telegram of
March 24th,1 was submitted and approved
subject to final acceptance by the French Delegates.
It was agreed that in the event of the French Delegates being unable to
accept the above proposal a special Meeting of the Council should be
held on Tuesday, 6th May.
139. Financial Restrictions on
Resolutions from the Finance Section (128) regarding the relaxation of
financial restrictions on Germany were submitted and approved, it being
understood that these concessions should be considered as applying only
to the period of the Armistice.
[Page 232]
140. Control of German Wireless
Extracts from the Minutes of the 19th Meeting of the Blockade Section
(129) regarding the control of high-powered wireless stations in Germany
were submitted.
It was agreed that the German Government should be informed that the
Allied and Associated Governments are prepared to accept Clauses 1–8
only of the rules under which commercial communications will be
permitted but that if any improper use of wireless communications is
made the Allied and Associated Governments will be obliged to withdraw
all facilities granted for postal and telegraphic communications between
German and Neutral Countries.
141. Use of Enemy Tonnage.
It was reported:—
- (a)
- that a communication had been received from the Transport
Executive in London stating that enemy ships under French
management were being sent to destinations not in accordance
with the instructions given by the Executive;
- (b)
- that certain of the boats under British management were being
sent to Australia and other destinations where no finance was
available instead of to the United States or the Argentine where
food supplies already financed were awaiting shipment.
It was agreed that these matters should be referred to the Shipping
Committee to make the necessary communications to the French and British
Authorities and the Transport Executive.
142. Food Prices in Germany.
The British Delegates reported that difficulty was being experienced in
selling food supplies shipped by the Allied and Associated Governments
to Germany owing to the high prices and the depreciation of the mark,
and it was agreed to refer the matter to the Finance Section with
instructions that they should discuss with the German Delegates the
question of prices for foodstuffs particularly as regards the high
prices being asked for food distributed to the people.
143. Control of Traffic on the
With reference to Minute 126 resolutions submitted by the American
Delegates (130) regarding the control and expedition of commercial and
relief traffic on the Danube were considered and the principles included
therein were accepted.
The matter was referred to a Sub-Committee composed of the following
U. K. |
General Mance, |
United States. |
Mr. Hoover. |
France. |
M. Clémentel |
to draft a telegram for transmission to General Franchet
[Page 233]
144. Commercial Traffic on the
It was reported that arrangements had been made to re-open commercial
traffic with Czecho-Slovakia by way of the Elbe under proper
145. Raw Materials for Poland and
A resolution (131) and report (132) from the Raw Materials Section
regarding the urgent requirements of raw materials of Poland and
Czecho-Slovakia were considered.
The resolution amended as follows was accepted for transmission to the
Council of Heads of States:—
“The Raw Materials Section desire to represent the extreme
urgency of supplying raw materials to Europe. Without the supply
of raw materials there is no hope for the peace of Europe. The
Section therefore recommends that the matter should be
immediately laid before the Council of the Heads of States with
a request that they will give such directions to the Financial
Authorities of the Associated Governments as will make possible
a solution of this question.”
It was agreed that the resolution should be accompanied by a copy of the
report which should be revised as regards financial detail by the
Chairman of the Finance Section before despatch.
The American Delegates stated that their Government was not in a position
to accept the financial proposals outlined in the report.
146. Coal for Poland and
Austro-Hungarian Empire.
With reference to Minute 118 the French Delegates pointed out that in
view of the difficulties of the situation in the Balkans it might be
necessary for the distribution of coal to be modified from time to time
to meet the exigencies of the military or political situation in these
districts and enquired what steps could be taken to ensure that this
would be possible.
It was agreed that any special circumstances requiring attention and
action should be reported to the Director-General of Relief and the
Communications Section who would do all in their power to carry into
effect any special demands made upon them.
Appendix 1192
[Memorandum From the Director General
of Relief (Hoover) Regarding] Food Supplies for
Assuming that political conditions should improve, it is essential
that immediate steps be taken for the provisioning of Hungary.
During May, June, and early July, about 120,000 tons of breadstuffs
[Page 234]
20,000 tons of fats
and meats will need to be imported into the Hungarian region of the
Armistice definition.
These foodstuffs can be secured from two different regions. First,
from the Banat; and second, by imports from overseas through the
Our prolonged examinations demonstrate that there is an exportable
surplus in the Banat and surrounding countries of approximately
150,000 tons of breadstuffs and 10,000 tons of meats and fats, in
excess of any of the interior needs of Greater Serbia. This area of
food surplus lies approximately 400 kilos, inland from the Adriatic
and directly on the railroad routes from the Adriatic to Hungary,
and lies within a range of sixty miles from the Hungarian frontier.
This surplus food area is, of course, under the jurisdiction of the
Greater Serbian Government, and the surplus mentioned above is in
excess of any needs of the greater Serbian Government, except for
the populations of Yugo-Slavia lying within a range of something
like 100 kilos, from the Adriatic. This area might be called the
coastal fringe, and is now being fed from imports from overseas, it
having been considered from the beginning more logical to use the
Banat surplus to feed the interior, including Hungary, and to use
the overseas imports to feed the coastal fringe of Yugo-Slavia and
such inland portions as Slavonia and Croatia. I have recently had
urgent telegrams from the French military authorities asking that we
should despatch foodstuffs from Trieste and Fiume for the cities of
Szeged and Arad, which have been recently occupied by the military.
We have taken measures to furnish some emergency supplies, but this
entails 500 kilometres rail haul, passing directly through the Banat
where the warehouses are filled with food.
The Greater Serbian Government seems loath to allow these supplies to
be exported. Some fats and meats must necessarily be imported from
overseas for Hungary. Both of these contingencies require financial
arrangements. I would therefore propose—
- (a)
- That the Financial Section determine the method by which
overseas imports into Hungary can be imported.
- (b)
- That the Director-General of Relief be authorised by the
Supreme Economic Council to communicate to the Serbian
Government the conviction of the Council that the
provisioning of Hungary, Austria, and Roumania must be
conducted from the surpluses of the Banat and surrounding
countries, and that the Serbian Government should co-operate
with the Supreme Economic Council and the Director-General
organisation to secure the immediate and regular movement of
these foodstuffs into Hungary, Austria, and Roumania.
[Page 235]
Appendix 120
Draft Telegram From Marshal Foch to
M. Erzberger
In answer to your note of the . . . . . . . . . . ., I beg to inform
you that the Allied and Associated Governments have made the
following alterations to my telegram on the requisitioning of
foreign securities on the left bank of the Rhine:—
- 1.
- The proceeds realised from the securities will be used in
payment of foodstuffs (in which measure and within the
limits) fixed by the Brussels Agreement.
- 2.
- The proceeds of the requisitioning on the left bank of the
Rhine will not be specially used for the revictualling of
the local population unless—
- (a)
- The population is revictualled in accordance with
the Brussels Agreement.
- (b)
- And that, owing to the organising conditions of
this requisition, the population will not be placed
under inferior conditions to the rest of
- 3.
- The securities from the left bank of the Rhine will be
centralised and kept in local banks to be determined by the
German Government in agreement with the Allied Governments;
for instance, Cologne and Mayence.
In these circumstances I am giving the necessary instructions for the
Decree of the German Government, dated the 26th March, 1919, to be
put into force immediately in the different zones of occupation.
Appendix 121
Draft Submitted by M. Seydoux
[Regarding] Reinforcement of Blockade on Germany
In case the German Government should refuse to accept the
Preliminaries of Peace, the following measures could be immediately
taken if the Associated Governments decide to have recourse to means
of economic coercion:—
1. Declare the effective and legal blockade of the Baltic Sea, which
the Allies have never been able to do during the war.
2. Or if it is not considered desirable for the Associated Powers to
declare such a blockade, inform the Northern Neutrals that, in
conformity with the order passed in the Council of the 11th March
and the Decree of the 13th March, 1915,3 merchandise
coming from or sent to Germany will be stopped.
[Page 236]
All traffic will thus be stopped between Sweden, Norway, and
3. Occupy the Kiel Canal and thus close in a large proportion the
passage of Danish merchandise.
4. The occupation of the left bank of the Rhine and of bridgeheads
would render negligible the traffic which could be established
between Dutch Friesia and Germany.
Holland would take the engagement to prevent all constitution of
stocks in this province and to forbid re-exportations, under penalty
of immediate re-establishment of minimum rations for it.
5. As far as Switzerland is concerned, request the Federal Government
to take same dispositions. The quantities of merchandise bought by
Switzerland, and superior to its normal consumption, would be put in
stock in France and not in Switzerland (as it had been stipulated in
the Franco-Swiss Agreement of the 31st December, 1917).
6. Re-establishment of censorship.
7. Re-establishment of Black List and publication of the Inter-Allied
Black List for Switzerland.
8. Complete closing of the Bavarian frontier, under the care of the
Inter-Allied Committee of Vienna.
9. Invitation to the Allied Governments, Tchecho-Slovakia, &c.,
to reinforce their prohibitions of trade with regard to Germany.
10. Special measures to insure the supplying of Bohemia through
Trieste and the Danube.
11. Immediate occupation of Danzig to insure the supplying of
Appendix 122
Note by the American Delegates
[Regarding] Reinforcement of Blockade on Germany
In the event of Germany refusing to sign the Treaty of Peace, the
Allied and Associated Governments may decide to bring about the
complete economic isolation of Germany.
The restrictive measures on trade adopted during the war have been
only partially successful in shutting off all commerce with
Of these measures, it is doubtful if some are now legal; others are
of doubtful efficiency; and practically all involve innovations in
the application of international law that might fail of approval by
the Prize Courts. The establishment of a formal blockade of the
entire German coast, while feasible from a naval standpoint, would
require the absolute prohibition of passage of all private vessels
of the Allies and all neutral or enemy vessels through the blockade
lines. Otherwise Prize Courts would refuse to sustain the validity
of the blockade on the grounds that it was not “effective”.
[Page 237]
The doctrine of continuous voyages as applied to blockade by the
Allies is not recognized as valid by the United States, which does
however recognise its validity as applied to contraband. Therefore
we could not approve of a blockade that attempted to stop supplies
bound for Denmark with an ultimate destination to Germany. A neutral
cannot be blockaded.
By making all supplies for Germany contraband, as was done in the
present war, it is lawful to seize anything with an ultimate German
destination, whether bound for neutral territory or not. This,
however, would not stop neutral ships entering German ports empty,
and taking out cargoes of German goods. The black list is the only
present remedy for this.
The time seems ripe to apply the principles of the League of Nations,
by which the members of the League bind themselves to support each
other in financial and economic measures necessary to restrain a
recalcitrant nation, and it should be possible to obtain a general
agreement among the Allied and Associated Governments, which now
agree to the Covenant, to apply its principles at once to bring
about the complete economic isolation of Germany.
- 1.
- By interdicting all commerce with Germany not approved by the
Allied and Associated Governments.
- 2.
- By the economic isolation of all States adjoining Germany that
refuse to abide by (1).
In this way all forbidden commerce with Germany by sea would be
stopped by the Allied and Associated navies, and trade with neutrals
could proceed freely, subject to an agreement that nothing should
pass in or out of Germany across neutral borders.
The status and machinery of the general system of trade restriction
would be practically the same as at the time of the Armistice of the
11th November, 1918, except that prohibition of trade with Germany
would be absolute except as in future relieved by the Allied and
Associated Powers.
As an alternative to the above plan, should Germany refuse to sign
the Treaty and adopt an attitude of passive resistance, the most
effective method of utilising economic pressure would be to take
military possession of her ports and neutral frontiers, thereby
controlling all her external communications.
L. McNamee
Captain, United States Navy
April 21, 1919.
[Page 238]
Appendix 123
[Resolution From the British
Delegation Regarding the] Rationing of
Raw Materials to Germany
Resolution proposed by the British Delegation:—
“That the Raw Materials Section be authorised to empower the
Committee on the Supply of Raw Materials and Sale of War
Stocks to negotiate and fix rations of raw materials for
import into Germany forthwith, subject to such control as
may be advised by the Blockade Section.”
May 2, 1919.
Appendix 124
Extracts From Minutes of Finance
7. Raw Materials For Germany.—Proposed Telegram
to the Germans (Annex).
Mr. Keynes said that all the liquid resources of Germany would be
required for the payment of food; under the existing limitations of
the Council of Four not even all these liquid resources were
included in the available financial sources for payment of Supplies
to Germany. The question therefore was whether the Germans should be
told what surplus raw materials the Allies could deliver to them,
though we knew perfectly well that at a later stage it would be
necessary to inform them that they could in fact obtain none of
these materials for lack of the means of payment. Such a course of
action would naturally tantalise and provoke them, but it might have
the advantage of making them face the financial facts and hold their
financial resources more readily at the disposal of the Allies than
they were doing at present. No doubt the Raw Material Committee,
without regard to either of these considerations, wished to send the
suggested telegram in order to make some progress towards the
disposal of available stocks. But the whole question was really
governed by political considerations and must ultimately be
determined with a view to them by the Council of Four.
Mr. Davis thought it was a mistake to appear to be thrusting raw
materials on the Germans which they had not asked for, and for which
they could not make payment. The proposed telegram would tantalise
them and would obscure rather than clarify the real difficulties of
the financial situation. The obvious German reply would be that they
would take the raw materials but required a credit if they were to
pay for them.
[Page 239]
Captain Jung said it was a matter of general policy, but that in his
view this would be a most unfortunate moment to broach the subject
with Germany. The inadequacy of financial resources should not be
emphasised at a time when far-reaching claims for reparation were
being put forward. A safer policy would be for the Allies to hold
their hand for the present and to leave it to the Germans to raise
the question of raw materials required in Germany.
Colonel Theunis and M. Avenol agreed that the question should be
dealt with only at the request of the Germans, and that it would be
a mistake to negotiate for the sale of raw materials when it was
perfectly well known that there was no available finance.
M. Celier said that even in the case of food supplies the financial
principle had been settled before negotiations were begun, and the
Germans had been informed at the outset that they must pay in cash.
So now it must be determined whether a credit could be provided for
raw materials before the Germans were invited to consider supplies,
and, if so, whether the Allies were prepared to grant a credit on
the security of assets in Germany.
It was agreed—
- (1.)
- That the Finance Section recognise the necessity of
Germany’s obtaining raw materials without delay.
- (2.)
- That there is no finance at present available for such
- (3.)
- That the issue is a political, not a financial, issue and
cannot be determined by the Finance Section, since the
decision to be taken will react on the peace negotiations in
an important way.
The attached draft telegram has been approved by the Committee on
Supply of Raw Materials, subject to the concurrence of the Finance
“Resolved, that subject to the concurrence of the Finance Section,
the Committee on Germany should be requested to send a telegram at
once to the German authorities to the following effect:—
“With reference to M. Clemenceau’s message to the German
Armistice Delegation, communicated by General Nudant, D 160,
of the 26th April, information is requested on the following
- “(a) As to the estimated
requirements for immediate importation of raw
materials during May and June;
- “(b) As to which are the
commodities most urgently required for the relief of
- “(c) As to the allocation
of the quantities required between unoccupied
Germany and the occupied territory, not including
[Page 240]
Appendix 125
[Resolution From the] Raw Materials Section
The following resolution was passed:—
“The Raw Materials Section approves of the scheme of
arrangement pledging German stocks of dyestuffs as security
for an advance for supplies of food to Germany, and, subject
to financial approval, proposes to put the scheme in
operation unless the Supreme Economic Council or the Council
of the Heads of Governments sees any
Appendix 126
Scheme of Arrangement for Pledging
German Stocks of Dyestuffs
In order to facilitate the financing of the necessary supplies of
food to Germany it is proposed as follows:—
- 1.
- Germany will pledge to the Allied Governments all its
existing stocks of dyestuffs (less the estimated
requirements of their home-dyeing industry for three months
taken at the pre-war rate of consumption) as security for an
advance in the form of a credit to be employed in paying for
the supplies of food furnished by the Allies to
- 2.
- The amount of such credit shall be 90 per cent, of the
value of the stock so pledged, such value being ascertained
by taking the several dyestuffs at the following
- The price at which each dyestuffs shall be taken shall be
either twice the lowest pre-war selling price of such
dyestuffs to the United Kingdom or other such Allied market
as may be selected for the purpose by the Commission, or the
ascertained cost of production of the said dyestuffs,
together with 5 per cent, profit, whichever is the
- 3.
- Each of the parties shall be at liberty at any time and
from time to time to acquire and take for its own use free
from any pledge any portion of the stock then remaining
pledged, subject to the following conditions:—
- (a)
- Neither party shall be entitled so to acquire in
any one month dyestuffs of a total value greater
than one-fourth of the amount of the original
- (b)
- If any demand by either of the parties to acquire
such dyestuffs shall include more than one-half of
the stock of any particular dyestuff then remaining
pledged, the other party shall have the option
within one week to take up to one-half the stock of
such dyestuffs in priority to the first-mentioned
- (c)
- The price to be paid for the dyestuffs so taken
shall be the value of the same at the price at which
they have been valued for the purpose of the
advance. If such dyestuffs be acquired by the German
Government they shall be paid for in cash before
delivery and such cash shall be applied in repayment
of the said advance. If they be acquired by the
Allied Governments the acquisition shall operate as
a satisfaction pro tanto of
the advance.
- 4.
- All questions arising under this arrangement, whether as
to price or as to the proper custody or protection of the
stock pledged, shall be decided by the Inter-Allied
Commission, and all expenses thereof in the administration
of this arrangement shall be a first charge on the monies
realised by the sale of the dyestuffs
- 5.
- Should the amount of the advance not have been repaid
before the expiry of six months from the date of the making
of this arrangement the German Government shall pay in cash
the balance of the advance and receive back any stock
remaining in pledge.
Appendix 127
[Resolution From the British
Delegates Regarding the] Prohibition and
Pre-emption Lists
Resolution proposed by the British Delegation:—
“That the German Government should be informed that the
Allied and Associated Governments do not desire to exercise
their right of pre-emption under the terms of the telegram
of the 24th March, except in the case of dyestuffs and coal,
and that therefore all other commodities except war
material, gold, silver, and securities, may be exported
May 2, 1919.
Appendix 128
[Resolutions From the Finance Section
Regarding the] Removal of Restrictions on
Trade With Germany
(Extract from the minutes of the tenth meeting of the
Finance Section)
9. Relaxation of Financial
In connection with the proposals recently considered by the Supreme
Economic Council with regard to the immediate relaxation of the
It was agreed that the Finance Section make the following
recommendations to the Council:—
- (1.)
- That the financial Black List be suspended (if this has
not been done already) and an announcement be made that
neutrals are entirely free to extend credits of any kind to
Germany or its nationals.
- (2.)
- That German-owned cash, balances and bills already in
neutral countries are freely available in payment for
- (3.)
- That the proceeds of exports from Germany be freely
available in payment for all kinds of permitted
- (4.)
- That the Finance Section shall have discretion to grant
licences for the export of gold and securities from Germany
in payment for imports on application from the German
- (5.)
- That the above be communicated to the Financial Commission
at Villette and to the Committee of Neutral Financiers, and
their suggestions be invited as to what further relaxations
are desired by them.
Appendix 129
Control of High-Powered Wireless
Stations in Germany
(Extract from the minutes of the Blockade Section)
The British Delegation submitted to the Council copies of telegrams
(Annex 5 of the Agenda), from which it appeared that it was
impossible under the terms of the Armistice for the Associated
Governments to control the high-powered wireless stations in
Germany. The Council noted said telegrams and referred the same to
the Supreme Economic Council for its information.
[Annex No. 5]
Pursuant to Minute 92 of the fourteenth meeting of the Superior
Blockade Council, and Minute 79 of the meeting of the Supreme
Economic Council, held on the 9th April, the following telegram was
sent to the Armistice Commission at Spa on the 11th April:—
“S. 204. Please communicate to the Germans following rules
under which commercial communications on the subject of
trade of the character authorised by the Associated
Governments will now be permitted until further notice with
all firms in neutral countries:—
“1. All available routes may be employed. 2. Communications
regarding German imports must for the present refer only to
foodstuffs. 3. Communications regarding German exports must
refer only to commodities other than gold, silver,
securities or other negotiable instruments and material of
war. 4. Speculative transactions will not be permitted. 5.
Telegrams must be en clair, and must
be readily intelligible and contain no hidden meaning. They
must be in French or in English, or in Italian in the case
of messages exchanged via Italy or Italian colonies.
Telegrams must refer solely to commercial matters. They must
be signed with the name of the sender and addressed in full.
In the case of telegrams sent via Italy or Italian colonies,
Christian names must also be given. Registered addresses
either in signature or address will not be permitted. The
word ‘telegram’ is understood to include wireless messages.
6. Postal correspondence will likewise be permitted with
regard to transactions of the character approved by the
Associated Governments. It must be expressed in clear and
unequivocal terms with the name and address of the writer
shown clearly on the envelope. 7. Parcel post will not be
permitted in either direction, but samples of the permitted
commodities may be sent in postal packets. 8. The Associated
Governments reserve power to detain any communication
whatever without reason being given. No claim with regard to
such detained correspondenece will be considered. 9. The
German high-powered stations at Nauen, Hanover,
[Page 243]
and Berlin may be
utilised for transmitting commercial telegrams under the
conditions above laid down for communications by cable, but
only under the control of Allied Commissions which will
examine all messages to be transmitted through these
stations, and will have power to stop them and to control
the operating of the station. These stations can only be
used for commercial service. 10. Censorships of Associated
Powers are being informed accordingly.
The following telegram has now been received in reply:—
“Representative German Government to President
British Armistice Commission
“Subject:—Extension of postal and
telegraphic traffic between Germany and neutral
“Spa, April 25,
“In note A.C. 1629 of the 12th April, 1919, the President of
the British Mission announced the conditions under which an
extension of postal and telegraphic communication between
Germany and neutral countries would be permitted.
“The German Government agrees to the conditions laid down in
paragraphs 1–8 of the note. With regard to paragraph 9,
however, the German Government cannot accept the Allied
control over high-powered wireless stations as required in
that paragraph. Consequently, the German high-powered
wireless stations will for the time being only be used for
commercial communications to the same extent as-they have
been used during the war and during the
Appendix 130
Resolution From the American
Delegates Regarding the Control and Expedition of Commercial and
Relief Traffic on the Danube
It is essential that the navigation of the Danube be placed entirely
under one authority. It is recommended that this authority should be
a commission, comprising representatives of the four Associated
Powers under an Executive President, reporting to the High Command.
The Supreme Economic Council considers that, on account of his wide
experience on the Danube, Admiral Troubridge, R. N., should be the
President of this Commission. The American representative will be
appointed by the Director-General of Relief.
In addition to its military functions this authority should be
charged especially to organise to the utmost possible extent the
reopening of normal commercial traffic conditions on the Danube, and
in this respect report direct to the Communications Section of the
Supreme Economic Council.
In order to save time the Communications Section should communicate
directly with this authority on economic subjects respecting the
[Page 244]
Danube, provided that
copies of such communications are at the same time sent to the High
In order to expedite commercial and relief traffic, the Relief
Administration in Roumania, Serbia and the former Austro-Hungarian
Empire should be authorised to issue permits for the unimpeded
movement of vessels, these permits being recognised by the Danube
Commission mentioned above, subject only to military exigencies.
Appendix 131
Report by the Committee of the Ram
Materials Section on War Stocks
The Raw Material Section, in submitting the annexed report* to the Supreme Economic Council, desire to
represent the extreme urgency of supplying raw materials to the
countries named therein. Without the supply of raw materials there
is no hope for the peace of Europe. The Section therefore recommends
that the matter should be immediately laid before the Council of the
Heads of Governments with a request that they will give such
directions to the Financial Authorities of the Associated
Governments as will make possible a solution of this question.
Appendix 132
Report to the Raw Materials Section
Regarding the Requirements of Raw Materials to Poland and
The Committee on Supply of Raw Materials and Sales of War Stocks has
been examining the requirements of the European countries in special
need of relief, and now finds itself in a position to make the
following recommendations:—
- 1.
- It is neither possible nor desirable on the information at
present available to make complete and final allocations of
each article, but the Committee hope to be able shortly to
present a comprehensive memorandum setting out the most
urgent requirements of Poland, Tchecho-Slovakia, Roumania,
Serbia, &c. In the meantime, having hitherto given
special attention to the cases of Poland, Tchecho-Slovakia,
the Committee submit the following specific recommendations
as being of extreme urgency. They are satisfied that the
prompt supply of the commodities specified within the limits
indicated is of very great importance; in the case of the
Polish textile industry in particular, the advantages of
providing employment can hardly be overestimated.
- 2.
- If action is postponed, and if it is necessary to wait
until some comprehensive scheme can come into operation, it
will be impossible to begin transport until after midsummer
and the importations will not begin to react upon trade
until the autumn. For a few months, at all events, it is
useless to expect private credits to be forthcoming to a
sufficient extent to meet the requirements of these
countries. The Committee therefore urge most strongly that
their respective Governments should now assign a fund which
the Committee (which was intended by the Raw Materials
Section to be an executive body) may allocate at their
discretion for the most urgent needs. The financial
machinery for such a credit is, of course, a matter for the
Finance Section to determine; but the Committee suggest for
consideration that the nitrates to be furnished should be
paid for from the proceeds of the coming sugar crop, whilst
the proceeds resulting from the manufacture and sale of
other supplies, such as textile raw materials, should be
segregated to an extent sufficient for the purchase of
further stocks of raw material and for no other purpose
during the term of credit. If the condition of the exchange
renders it impossible to use the actual funds for the
purchase of further supplies, the funds should be segregated
by the banks which are operating the scheme, and should be
held subject to the disposition of the authorised
representatives of the Associated Governments.
(a) Nitrate
of Soda.
This is the most urgent case. The nitrate can be employed during June
as a top dressing for sugar beet if delivered at the end of May; it
will largely increase the sugar content of the beet and will thus
enable Poland to increase her exports and recover financial
stability. The Syndicate of Polish Agriculturists can arrange the
distribution by existing machinery. It is proposed that the nitrate
should be supplied by the Nitrate Executive for joint account of the
Governments interested in the Nitrate pool. The supply of 10,000
tons to Poland at once is recommended; cost about 250,000l. f. o. b. United Kingdom.
(b) Textile
Raw Materials. Cotton, Wool, Jute, and Accessories.
The total amount of the credits required for the cotton, wool, and
accessories, is estimated (on the basis of the detailed figures
supplied by the British Economic Commission) at 5,000,000l. The quantity of cotton required has been
calculated on the number of spindles capable of being put into
operation without delay, on the assumption that for the present a
single shift will be worked. As regards jute and jute sacks, an
unlimited quantity of sandbags can be provided if required, and the
low monthly ration of 700 tons per month for war jute is
[Page 246]
(c) Agricultural Implements.
To be specified.
The Committee recommend that a credit of 6½ million pounds should be
provided in some way, if possible, to cover for a period of three
months these most pressing needs, after which further credits will
probably become necessary.
Exports.—The Committee understand that
Tchecho-Slovakia is, or will shortly be, in a position to export a
large amount of sugar; also machinery, timber, glass, hops, and
(a) Requirements of the Metallurgical and Metal-working
Copper—Copper is urgently needed for various
purposes, e. g., replacement of machinery parts which have been
removed. The telephone service is stated to be suspended. Copper is
also much wanted for electrical machinery. An import of 7,500 tons
for three months is recommended, cost 600,000l., at 80l. per ton.
Anti-friction metal is specially required for
the completion of locomotives. A detailed report on this subject,
and on requirements of tin, will be furnished.
Ferro-manganese is much needed for improving
the quality of the products of the extensive iron industry (30,000
workers); but it is understood that negotiations with Sweden for the
supply of this commodity are now in progress.
(b) Cotton.
The mills are stated to be in good order, and the operatives have not
been dismissed. On the basis of the number of spindles a monthly
ration of 20,000 bales is recommended. Cost for three months,
(c) Wool.
On present information a credit of 1,500,000l.
is recommended.
Taking into account the requirements for accessories (e. g., belting)
the preliminary total figure of 3,500,000l.
It is recommended that a credit should be provided, if possible, to
cover these requirements.