- Adriatic blockade, relaxation, 42, 86–87, 108, 140, 282
- Alsace, trade with unoccupied Germany, 230, 249, 296, 326–327, 337–339
- American Red Cross, 285, 287, 289, 412
- American Relief Administration, 14, 15, 34, 129, 279, 365, 368
- Arbitration of disputed Danube shipping, proposed, 562, 572, 581, 614–615, 731
- Argentina. See under Food and Shipping.
- Armenia. See under Food.
- Armistice. See under Commissions and Germany.
- Arms and munitions, Austrian deliveries to Czechoslovakia and Poland in return for coal, petrol, and oil, 373, 449, 454
- Austria (see also under Coal; Communications; Finance; Food; Prisoners; Shipping; Supreme Council; Trade regulation), treaty of peace:
- Baltic states (see also under Coal; Communications; Food; Supreme Council; Trade regulation): Bolshevism, 173; evacuation by German troops, question of, 173, 280; proposed Allied mission, 280
- Banat. See Food: Jugoslavia: Shipments to Austria and Hungary.
- Bank, Austro-Hungarian. See under Finance.
- Banking committee, foreign, in United States, 628
- Bavaria, question of Allied separate revictualling, 103
- Belgium (see also under Coal; Food; Shipping): Desire for resumption of work at Vieille factories of Borbeck Oberhausen upon conclusion of peace with Germany, 448, 453–454; participation in Supreme Economic Council and sections thereof, 157, 163, 208, 269, 632
- Berne convention of 1890, 734
- Black lists. See under Trade regulation: Germany: Neutral trading.
- Black Sea: Greek desire for permission for Greek ships to load in Crimean ports, 496–497, 530; postal and telegraphic communications, 622, 642–643
- Blockade. See Blockade Section and Trade regulation.
- Blockade Section of Supreme Economic Council, 4–5, 6, 58, 62–63, 66, 68–70, 77, 79–81, 85, 86, 87, 98–99, 104–105, 107, 108, 115, 120–121, 137–141, 144–145, 146–147, 157–158, 162, 179, 180, 181, 192, 200–201, 201–202, 213, 215, 219, 221, 222, 225, 226, 231, 242–243, 247, 250, 252–253, 263, 267, 270–271, 325–326, 326–327, 332, 333–335, 344, 349, 364, 365, 370, 431, 432, 437; establishment of, 4–5
- Bohemia. See Czechoslovakia.
- Bolshevism. See Russia; also under Baltic states and Germany.
- Brussels conference and agreements. See Shipping: Enemy; and under Trade regulation: Germany: Negotiations and arrangements: Conferences.
- Bulgaria. See under Communications, Finance, and Food.
- Canada, tonnage for food relief shipments, 179, 306, 310, 311
- Caucasus (see also Food: Armenia; and under Communications), interference by Georgian Republic with food shipments to Armenia, 473, 482–483, 532
- Censorship, See under Communications.
- Child-feeding program, 170–171, 279, 428, 556
- Coal:
- Austria:
- Czechoslovak and Polish supply to Austria: Austrian arms and munitions deliveries in exchange, 373, 449, 454; breakdown in deliveries, 702–706; interchange of potatoes and coal with Poland, 473, 481–482, 489, 560, 577; peace treaty guarantees, question of, 560, 577; railway difficulties, 184–185, 185, 218–219
- European Coal Commission: Austrian request for participation, 562, 572, 580–581; study of Austrian situation, 565, 577
- Railway rolling stock for coal transport, requirements, 184–185, 185, 221–222, 621, 640, 704, 725
- Situation, seriousness of, 565, 581, 702–706, 725
- Baltic states: British coal to Esthonia and Lithuania, proposed, 185; German deliveries to anti-Bolshevist front in Latvia and Lithuania, 180
- Belgium, 182, 561
- Commissions:
- Czechoslovakia (see also Austria: Czechoslovak and Polish supply, supra); Deliveries to Jugoslavia in exchange for food, proposed, 268, 277, 293; railway rolling stock requirements, 679–680
- Esthonia, 180, 185
- European Coal Commission. See under Commissions, supra.
- European coal situation, general surveys and reports, 67, 88, 176–177, 181–186, 218–219, 221–222, 233, 278–279, 492, 495–496, 522–525, 561–562
- France:
- Deliveries to Italy, 56, 67, 110, 177, 187, 227, 268, 273–277
- German coal: German deliveries under Luxemburg Protocol, 107–108, 135–137, 183, 185, 267–268, 327–328, 347, 356, 364, 375, 405–407, 528; reparation provision, 182, 273–275, 351–352, 521
- Imports from Great Britain, 181–182, 186, 268, 273, 276, 277, 436, 495, 520, 615–616
- Situation, general, 177, 181–182, 275–276
- Germany:
- Export to—
- Food imports, financing by coal exports, 35, 43, 107–108, 135–137, 183–184, 185, 267–268, 327–328, 347, 356–357, 364, 375, 405–407, 528
- Interchange of potatoes and coal with Poland, 473, 481–482
- Production, decrease in, and Allied measures to ameliorate, 20, 66, 76, 80, 185, 253–255, 264, 279
- Rhineland situation, 183
- Transport by sea route from Ruhr to East Prussia, 108, 137–139
- Great Britain, coal shipments to France, 181–182, 186, 268, 273, 276, 277, 436, 495, 520, 615–616; to Italy, 59, 60, 67, 177, 182, 186–187, 226–227, 268, 273–275, 276–277, 351, 520–521, 626–627
- Italy: British supplies, 59, 60, 67, 177, 182, 186–187, 226–227, 268, 273–275, 276–277, 351, 520–521, 626–627; French supplies, 56, 67, 110, 177, 187, 227, 268, 273–277; German supplies, 182, 227, 268, 273, 274, 275, 328–329, 345, 351–352, 363, 521; requirements, Italian statements and consideration thereof, 11–12, 56, 58–60, 84, 90, 161, 177, 221, 226–227, 268, 273–275, 344–345, 349–353, 495, 520–522, 626–627, 675; shipping difficulties, 11, 56, 59–60, 67, 182, 187, 226–227, 374; U. S. supply, 59, 60, 67, 182, 227, 626–627
- Jugoslavia, exchange of food from Banat in return for coal, 268, 277, 293
- Latvia, 180
- Lithuania, 180, 185
- Poland (see also Austria: Czechoslovak and Polish supply, supra): Exchange of coal with Jugoslavia for food from Banat, 268, 277, 293; interchange of coal and potatoes with Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Germany, 473, 481–482, 489, 560, 577; production and distribution questions, 218–219, 238; requirements for coming winter, consideration of, 631
- Russia, 646
- Shipping questions, 11, 56, 59–60, 67, 108, 137–139, 182, 187, 226–227, 374
- Silesia, 177, 402
- United States, coal shipments to Italy, 59, 60, 67, 182, 227, 626–627
- Austria:
- Commissions, committees, councils, sections, and other
Interallied organizations:
- Armistice commissions:
- Blockade organizations. See Trade regulation: Administrative organizations.
- Coal, commissions concerning. See under Coal.
- Communications Section. See under Communications.
- Finance Section. See Finance Section.
- Five, Council of. See Supreme Council.
- Food organizations. See Food: Administrative organizations.
- Four, Council of. See Supreme Council.
- Germany, commissions concerning. See under Germany.
- International economic council, proposed creation, 499, 625, 661
- Luxemburg, Interallied Committee of, 150, 151–153, 153, 154, 201, 205–206, 208
- Paris, Interallied Commission in, 87–88, 100–101, 205–206, 209
- Permanent Committee. See Permanent Committee.
- Policy, Committee on, 329, 346, 356, 363–364, 376, 431, 450–451, 499
- Press Section, 105, 128, 162
- Prisoners of war, proposed commission on repatriation of, 490
- Raw Materials Section. See Raw Materials Section.
- Reparation, commissions concerning. See under Reparation.
- Rhineland, commissions concerning. See under Rhineland.
- Rhine River, commissions concerning. See under Rhine River.
- Shipping organizations. See Shipping: Administrative organizations.
- Statistics, Committee on, 498–499, 621
- Supreme Council. See Supreme Council.
- Supreme Economic Council. See Supreme Economic Council.
- Ten, Council of. See Supreme Council.
- Communications:
- American Relief Administration telegraphic facilities, 279, 404
- Armenia, railway situation, 402, 728–729
- Austria:
- Postal and telegraphic communication: Allied control of Vienna wireless station, 162; reestablishment of postal communication, 404; special arrangements regarding food purchase communication, 86, 98
- Railway reestablishment (see also Eastern and Southern Europe, infra): Italian technical mission, 44, 131, 400, 724, 725; situation, general, 724–725
- Baltic states (see also Lithuania, infra): British technical mission, 44, 131, 401, 724; need for railway repair materials, 571, 724
- Black Sea, postal and telegraphic communication, 622, 642–643
- Bulgaria: Allied measures for reestablishment of communications, 44, 45, 68, 432, 442; railway situation, general, 734, 742, 750–751; technical missions, 44, 45, 728
- Caucasus. See Armenia, supra, and Russia, infra.
- Censorship of communications (see also under Germany: Postal, telegraphic, and wireless communication, infra), Allied control of Budapest and Vienna wireless stations, 162
- Communications Section:
- Czechoslovakia:
- Postal communication, 134, 404
- Railways: Allied measures for assisting reestablishment, 45–46, 60, 131, 133–134, 398, 401–402, 726; rolling stock requirements and deliveries, 106, 134, 402, 640, 679–680, 726; technical missions, 44, 45–46, 131, 133–134, 398, 401–402
- Rivers, Allied arrangement for shipping food supplies to Czechoslovakia by Elbe or Rhine, 6, 42, 46, 134, 168, 180, 192, 233, 278, 397, 402, 403, 731, 737
- Danube. See Danube.
- Eastern and Southern Europe, general Allied measures for reestablishment of railway and other communications, and work of Communications Section with regard to, 2, 6, 7–8, 28–30, 32, 42, 44–46, 57, 60, 67–68, 82, 88, 106–107, 129–134, 170, 180, 185, 192, 214, 220, 221–222, 222–225, 232, 233, 243–244, 278–279, 295, 296–297, 305–306, 319–320, 326, 330–337, 373–374, 375, 379–382, 396–405, 407–412, 432, 440, 442, 446, 491–492, 498, 560, 570–572, 621–622, 623, 631, 640–642, 642–643, 644–658, 679–680, 720–753
- Elbe. See Elbe.
- Esthonia. See Baltic states, supra.
- Financial questions, 29, 30, 42, 106–107, 130, 220, 222, 399
- France, technical missions, 44–45, 45–46, 68, 131, 134, 728
- Germany:
- Interference with shipments to Poland via Danzig, and Allied attitude, 296–297, 319–320, 325, 331–332, 365, 368
- Peace treaty clauses relating to ports, waterways, and railways, proposals concerning, 134, 404, 731–732
- Postal, telegraphic, and wireless communication: Allied control of wireless stations, 232, 242–243; Allied regulations and arrangements for communications with firms in neutral countries, 77–78, 144–145, 232, 242–243, 264; censorship, proposed abolition, 109, 147, 431, 447; reestablishment, 472–473, 481, 492, 518–519
- Railways (see also Peace treaty clauses, supra): General situation, 20–21, 23; reestablishment of communications, 492, 560, 614
- Rivers. See Elbe and Rhine.
- Shipments through Germany, question of, 82, 219, 222
- Great Britain, technical missions, 44, 45, 131, 132–133, 400–402, 402, 408, 409, 498, 723–724
- Greece: French technical mission, 44, 131, 728; railway material, request for, 570, 631; return of Danube river craft owned by Greek nationals, request for, 491–492, 517
- Hoover, Herbert (Director-General of Relief): Administration of Austro-Hungarian railways for relief and coal shipments, 57, 170, 185, 221–222, 233, 278, 396–398; memorandum on distribution of Danube river craft, 373
- Hungary:
- Italy:
- Jugoslavia:
- Latvia. See Baltic states, supra.
- Lithuania, railways: Desire of Lithuania to purchase rolling stock from American Liquidation Commission, 373–374, 380–382; financing, 487; French cession of Armistice locomotives, 640, 724
- Poland:
- Danzig, German interference with shipments to Poland via Danzig, and Allied measures, 296–297, 319–320, 325, 331–332, 365, 368
- Postal communication, 134, 404
- Railways: Armistice locomotives, 132–133, 180, 192, 640; British technical mission, 44, 131, 132–133, 401, 498, 723; reorganization, 498, 571, 640, 723–724, 740, 744–745; requirements, 106, 132–133
- Postal, telegraphic, and wireless communication (see also under Germany, supra): Allied control of Budapest and Vienna wireless stations, 162; American Relief Administration facilities, 279, 404; Black Sea, 622, 642–643; Europe, general, 622, 732; reestablishment with liberated countries, 107, 134, 404, 732
- Railways (see also Eastern and Southern Europe, supra; also under individual countries supra and infra): Census of rolling stock, 641, 732–733; commission for partition of Austro-Hungarian rolling stock, 641, 732; exchange of rolling stock across frontiers, proposed facilitation, 622, 641, 680, 733; trans-European train service, 732, 734–738
- Rhine. See Rhine River.
- Rivers. See Danube, Elbe, and Rhine.
- Roumania:
- Russia:
- Switzerland, Allied permission for resumption of communication by Rhine with neutral and Allied countries, 58, 62–63, 103, 114
- Transylvania, railway situation, 743, 752–753
- Trieste, railway shipments of food via Trieste: Italian attitude, 6, 46; statistics, 404, 736
- Turkey in Europe, question of Allied dispatch of technical missions, 44, 131, 728
- United States: American Relief Administration telegraphic facilities, 279, 404; technical missions, 44, 45–46, 131, 133–134, 375, 396–398, 400, 401–402, 408, 726–727
- Consultative Food Committee. See under Food: Administrative organizations.
- Councils. See Commissions, etc.
- Customs duties, German, 567
- Czechoslovakia. See under Coal; Communications; Food; Prisoners; Shipping.
- Danube River:
- Commissions:
- European Commission of the Danube, 223, 224, 373, 512–517
- Interallied Danube River Commission (see also Traffic: Control, infra): Administration of river craft pending disposition under treaty, 373, 379–380, 434, 445–446, 491–492; financing, 487, 641, 731; representation and interests of Czechoslovakia, Jugoslavia, and Roumania, 491, 512–517, 641, 730–731
- Shipping: Arbitration of disputed ownership of river craft as provided by treaty, 562, 572, 581, 614–615, 731; control by Interallied Danube River Commission, 373, 379–380, 434, 445–446, 491–492; Greek request for return of river craft owned by Greek nationals, 491, 517; reparation, 223
- Traffic: Control by Interallied Danube River Commission following relaxation of military control, 213–214, 216–217, 220, 223–225, 232, 243–244, 251, 348, 358, 373, 379–380, 402, 403, 434, 445–446, 491–492, 512–517, 730–731; temporary closure of river by Bolsheviks at Budapest, 348, 358, 731
- Treaties: Berlin (1878), 513; Paris (1856), 512
- Commissions:
- Danzig: German interference with shipments to Poland via Danzig, and Allied attitude, 296–297, 319–320, 325, 331–332, 365, 368; repatriation of Polish troops in France via Danzig, proposed, 104, 116
- Denmark. See Trade regulation: Neutrals; and under Food.
- Dyestuffs. See under Trade regulation: Germany.
- Economic cooperation among Allies after peace, question of. See Food: Allied food problems: Policy; Supreme Economic Council: Future.
- Economic council, international, proposed, 499, 625, 661
- Economic position of Europe, views of France, 568, 602–603; of Great Britain, 103, 110–113; of Hoover, 462–468
- Economic pressure on countries fighting with neighbors in defiance of Supreme Council, principle of, 266–269
- Egypt, 630
- Elbe River, reopening to relief and commercial traffic with Czechoslovakia, 6, 42, 46, 134, 168, 180, 192, 233, 278, 397, 402, 403, 731, 737
- Esthonia. See Baltic states.
- Finance (see also
Finance Section):
- Austria (see also Austro-Hungarian Bank, infra, and Food: Austria: Financing): Allied restrictions on export of gold and securities, 365; depreciation of currency, 702
- Austro-Hungarian Bank: Allied measures to prohibit printing and circulation of banknotes, 177, 188; Hungarian seizure of gold deposits in Budapest, 371, 378–379; removal of gold and securities to Italy for safekeeping, 372, 433, 486
- Bulgaria, food relief financing, 6, 15, 34, 58, 63–64, 91–95
- Communications, financial questions, 29, 30, 42, 106–107, 130, 220, 222, 399
- Currencies, enemy, 177, 188–190
- European exchange situation and British views regarding, 676, 685–699
- Germany (see also Food: Germany: Financing): Allied relaxation of financial restrictions, 231, 241–242, 294, 304; interest on credits maturing in neutral countries, 177–178
- Hungary (see also Austro-Hungarian Bank, supra), food relief financing, 6, 15, 94–95, 229, 234, 433, 574, 583–584
- Roumania, currency questions, 177, 188–190
- United States, loan to France, Great Britain, and Italy to provide credits for Austrian food relief, 33, 158, 179, 219, 297–298, 321–323, 348, 364–365, 367–368, 486
- Finance Section of Supreme Economic Council: Discussions, general, 4–5, 6, 7–8, 32–34, 34–36, 42, 58, 66, 67, 78–79, 86, 88, 96–98, 102, 105, 108, 128–129, 157–158, 161, 164, 177–178, 180, 181, 188–190, 195–196, 220, 221, 222, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 238–239, 241–242, 249, 265–266, 267, 268, 270, 272, 273–275, 293, 294, 295, 304, 305, 324–325, 347, 356–357, 367–368, 375, 432, 433, 439–441, 448, 484–485, 485–488, 561, 573, 579, 602–603, 616–617, 620–621, 636–638, 677–678, 699–701; establishment, 4–5; reporting to Committee on Organization of Reparation Commission, arrangement for, 448, 484–485, 485–488, 561, 573, 579
- Finland. See under Food.
- Fish. See under Food: Germany.
- Fiume. See under Food.
- Five, Council of. See Supreme Council.
- Food:
- Administrative organizations (see
Food Section):
- American Relief Administration, 14, 15, 34, 65, 129, 279, 404
- Consultative Food Committee, 492–495, 519–520, 563, 565, 574, 582–583, 585–590, 591–592, 617–618, 618, 620–621, 622–623, 629, 631, 632–638, 643, 675, 680, 754–772; question of U. S. representation on subcommittees, 634
- Interallied Scientific Food Commission, resolution and proposed agreement for creation of international group, 626, 664–673
- Program committees, 1–2
- Sugar Executive, 342
- Supreme Council of Supply and Relief, 1–2, 2, 5, 25
- Wheat Executive, 8, 35, 104, 159, 172, 179, 342
- Allied contributions, Dec. 1918–May 1919, report by Hoover, 449, 455–458
- Allied food problems and arrangements: Policy regarding continuance of Allied cooperation in food after peace, and U. S. objections, 328–329, 492–496, 519–520, 620–621; requirements, 91–96, 497, 530–531, 574–575, 680, 754–772
- Argentine shipments:
- Austria, Argentine cereal exports and shipping arrangements therefor, proposed, 33–34, 40–41, 475–476
- Germany, Argentine shipments to:
- Cereal exports, proposed, and shipping arrangements therefor, 35–36, 40–41, 49
- German purchases of foodstuffs, and allocation of German shipping for transport of: Belgian request for diversion of ships to Antwerp rather than Rotterdam, 432, 443, 471, 477, 543; general, 432, 443, 471, 474–475, 486, 543; transport of German exports on return voyage, 563, 573, 581–582
- Italy, Argentine shipments of meat to, 97
- Armenia: Deliveries effected, 169, 171, 277, 428, 429, 457, 500, 501; Georgian interference with shipments, 473, 482–483, 532; railway situation, effect of, 402, 728–729; situation, general, 279, 402, 428, 497, 532–533, 623–624, 658–660, 706
- Austria:
- Belgian-Austrian exchange of cereals, proposed, 565, 573, 593–594, 630
- Communication facilities for food purchases, 86, 98
- Correspondence from Austrian delegation regarding food, texts: May 30, regarding financing of foodstuffs, 329–331; July 9, regarding financing of foodstuffs, 458–460; Sept. 8, requesting withdrawal of orders for diversion to Trieste of Austrian purchases of Argentine wheat, 593–594; Sept. 14, regarding urgent need of supplies, 590–591
- Deliveries effected, 168, 171, 277, 323, 428, 429, 457
- Financing of food relief:
- Austrian financial commission, proposed, 86, 97–98
- Franco–British–Italian credits provided by U. S. loan, 33, 158, 179, 219, 266, 297–298, 321–323, 348, 364–365, 367–368, 486
- General discussions, 2, 6, 15, 33–34, 41, 86, 94–95, 97–98, 158, 179, 219, 297–298, 321–323, 324–325, 329–331, 348, 364–365, 367–368, 372, 449–450, 458–460, 472, 478–480, 485–486, 486–487, 498, 563–565, 574, 583–584, 590–594, 618–620, 629, 635
- Gold and securities: Hungarian seizure of Austrian gold intended for food payments, 371, 378–379; removal to Italy for safekeeping, 372, 433, 486
- Precedence of food payments over reparation claims to Austrian assets, 6, 322, 564
- Interchange of potatoes and coal with Poland, 473, 481–482, 489, 560, 577
- Reparation, relation of food relief to: Precedence of food payments over reparations, 6, 33, 322, 564; role of Reparation Commission in provisioning Austria, 450, 479, 480, 564, 584, 618–620, 635
- Requirements, 92, 590–592, 678, 754–772
- Shipping and transport questions, 6, 168, 278, 471–472, 475–476
- Termination of food shipments, proposed, 343
- Baltic states (see also Esthonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, infra): De liveries effected, 167, 171, 277, 428, 429, 457, 458, 500, 501; financing, 32, 94–95; policy of Allies regarding food relief to assist independent governments to maintain order, 160, 173, 219, 250, 256, 269, 279–280, 487; requirements, 92, 754–772; termination of food shipments, proposed, 343
- Bavaria, question of separate revictualling, 103
- Belgium: Deliveries effected, 169, 171, 277, 428, 429, 457, 500, 501; exchange of cereals with Austria, proposed, 565, 573, 593–594, 630: financing, 14, 32, 94–95; requirements, 92, 754–772; termination of food shipments, proposed, 343
- Bulgaria: Deliveries effected, 170, 277, 428, 429, 457, 500, 501; financing, 6, 15, 34, 58, 63–64, 94–95; requirements, 92, 754–772; termination of food shipments, proposed, 343; transport, 6
- Canada, tonnage for relief loading, 179, 306, 310, 311
- Caucasus. See Armenia, supra.
- Child-feeding program, 170–171, 279, 428, 556
- Czechoslovakia: Coal shipments to Jugoslavia in return for food, proposed, 268, 277, 293; deliveries effected, 86, 168, 171, 277, 428, 429, 457, 458, 500, 501; financing, 14, 32, 94–95; interchange of potatoes and coal with Poland, 473, 481–482, 489, 560, 577; requirements, 14, 92, 754–772; shipping, Czechoslovak request for allocation to transport food, 498, 557–558; termination of food shipments, proposed, 343; transport of food by Elbe or Rhine, 6, 42, 46, 134, 168, 180, 192, 233, 278, 397, 402, 403, 731, 737
- Denmark: Deliveries effected, 428, 429, 457, 500, 501; import requirements, 754–772
- Esthonia (see also Baltic states, supra), deliveries effected, 171, 180, 277, 428, 429, 457, 458, 500, 501
- Finland: Child-feeding program, 170–171; deliveries effected, 167, 171, 277, 428, 429, 457, 458, 500, 501; financing, 94–95; requirements, 92, 754–772; termination of food shipments, proposed, 343
- Fiume, relief deliveries via, 449, 455, 496, 529, 735
- France:
- Cooperation with Great Britain and Italy in financing Austrian relief, 33, 158, 179, 219, 297–298, 321–323, 348, 364–365, 367–368, 486
- Northern France: Assumption of food relief by France, 169, 171; deliveries effected, 277, 428, 429, 457, 500, 501
- Requirements, 3, 5, 12–13, 19, 42, 57, 67, 92, 433, 436, 754–772
- Resolutions regarding food supplies to Germany, 55
- Transportation difficulties: Railway, 57; shipping, 12–13, 433, 436
- Georgian Republic, interference with food shipments to Armenia, 473, 482–483, 532–533
- Germany:
- Argentine food shipments. See Argentine shipments: Germany, supra.
- Australian-German food negotiations, 543
- Bavaria, question of independent revictualling, 103
- Bolshevism, relation of food situation, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 164, 211
- Coastal shipping, freedom to ply between Germany and northern neutral ports to transport food, 84–85, 91, 104–105, 120–121, 181, 199–200
- Competition with Allies in food purchasing after peace, 618, 634–635
- Deliveries effected, 86, 170, 171, 263, 277, 428, 429, 457, 458, 500, 501
- Distribution in Germany: Allies’ concern over high food prices, 232; question of controls, 76, 80
- Financing of food imports:
- Coal exports to pay for food imports, 35, 43, 107–108, 135–137, 183–184, 185, 267–268, 327–328, 347, 356–357, 364, 375, 405–407, 528
- Discussions, general, 7, 15–16, 18, 19, 31–32, 34–36, 43–44, 61–62, 65, 66, 76, 78–79, 80–81, 102, 106, 129, 178, 230, 231, 235, 240–241, 248–249, 265–266, 267–268, 270, 295, 327–328, 347, 356–357, 364, 375, 405–407, 448, 486, 528, 563–565, 574, 585–590, 632, 675, 677–678
- Export of commodities to pay for food (see also Coal, supra), 36, 43, 48–49, 54, 55, 62, 66, 78, 83, 96–97, 107, 142, 267–268
- German financial committee, proposed, 78
- Gold payments, 144, 267, 272–273, 295, 305, 486
- Losses to Allies in event of re-imposition of blockade, question of, 248–249, 265–266, 270
- Neutral credits, 49, 54, 62, 76–77, 80–81
- Northern neutrals and Switzerland, proposed association with Allied finance committee, 79
- Private remittances, 106, 129, 178
- Sale of foreign securities or properties in foreign and occupied territory, 62, 66, 78, 230, 235, 486
- Shipping hire, application to food accounts, 55, 62, 710–711
- Fish: Import of fish and vegetables from northern neutrals, 25, 65, 77, 81, 86, 96–97, 108, 141, 263; removal of restrictions on German fishing in North and Baltic Seas, 25, 65, 77, 81, 84–85, 91, 120–121, 179–180, 191, 219, 264
- Negotiations and agreements between Allies and Germany on food, trade, and other economic questions. See Shipping: Enemy; Trade regulation: Germany: Negotiations, etc.
- Neutral food shipments (see also
Argentine shipments: Germany, supra):
- Blacklisted firms in neutral countries: Permission for Germany to obtain food from, 77, 80–81, 85, 142; regulations for German correspondence with, 77–78, 144–145, 232, 242–243, 250, 264
- Blacklisted vessels, use of, 85, 104, 121
- Blockade relaxation. See Trade regulation: Neutrals.
- Financial questions, 36, 49, 79, 129
- Fish and vegetable shipments, 25, 65, 77, 81, 86, 96–97, 108, 141, 263
- German coastal shipping, freedom to ply to northern neutral ports to transport food, 84–85, 91, 104–105, 120–121, 181, 199–200
- Replacement by Allies of food shipped to Germany by neutrals, 32, 34
- Sweden, flour shipment, 7, 16
- Switzerland, 32, 34
- Peace treaty provision for limitation of food imports, question of including, 68, 74
- Polish-German interchange of coal and potatoes, 473, 481–482, 489, 560
- Reports on German food situation and requirements, 15–25, 92, 232, 585–590, 754–772
- Requirements, 754–772
- Rhine questions:
- Shipping questions. See Shipping: Enemy shipping.
- Termination of food shipments, proposed, 342–343
- Great Britain: Import requirements, 92, 754–772; resolutions regarding food supplies to Germany, 41, 43–44, 53–54
- Greece, food requirements, 754–772
- Hoover, Herbert, supervision of Allied relief measures. See Hoover.
- Hungary: Deliveries effected, 428, 457, 500, 501; financing, 6, 15, 94–95, 229, 234, 433, 574, 583–584; Jugoslav deliveries from Banat, question of, 229, 234, 247, 293, 590; report on situation, 229, 233–234; requirements, 92, 754–772; transport problem, 6
- Italy:
- Deliveries effected, 457, 500, 501
- Financing, 86, 97
- Jugoslav food shipments, Italian attitude: Obstruction of Austrian-Jugoslav exchange of bridge material and food, 470–471, 473–474; unwillingness for Jugoslavia to use Fiume as port of entry for food shipments, 449, 455, 496, 529
- Requirements, 3, 5, 8–12, 19, 41–42, 56–57, 58–60, 67, 84, 86, 92, 97, 754–772
- Sale to Austria, 9n, 15, 371
- Shipping difficulties, 11, 41–42, 58–59
- Jugoslavia:
- Deliveries effected, 168, 171, 277, 428, 429, 457, 500, 501
- Financing, 14, 32, 94–95
- Requirements, 14, 92, 754–772
- Shipments to Austria and Hungary from Banat: Exchange of food for Austrian bridge material, and Italian obstruction of shipments, 470–471, 473–474; question of Jugoslav willingness to furnish, 229, 234, 247, 590
- Termination of food shipments, proposed, 343
- Use of Fiume as port of entry for Jugoslav food shipments, Italian attitude, 449, 455, 496, 529
- Latvia (see also Baltic states, supra), deliveries effected, 160, 173, 180, 219, 229, 277, 428, 429, 457, 500, 501
- Lithuania (see also Baltic states, supra), deliveries effected, 160, 173, 180, 219, 229, 277, 428, 429, 457, 500, 501
- Montenegro, 14, 32, 168
- Netherlands (see also Germany: neutral food shipments, supra): Deliveries effected, 457, 500, 501; food import requirements, 754–772
- Neutral food shipments to Germany. See under Germany, infra.
- Norway (see also Germany: Neutral food shipments, supra), food import requirements, 754–772
- Poland: Allied child-feeding program, 170–171; deliveries effected, 14, 167, 171, 277, 428, 429, 457, 500, 501; financing, 32, 94–95; interchange of potatoes and coal with Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Germany, 473, 481–482, 489, 560, 576; requirements, 14, 92, 631, 754–772; shipping facilities at Dunkirk, congestion by food shipments, 571, 630; termination of food shipments, proposed, 343
- Rhine provinces. See Germany: Rhine questions, supra.
- Roumania: Child-feeding program, 170–171; deliveries effected, 169, 171, 277, 428, 429, 457, 500, 501; financing, 14, 32, 94–95, 179; requirements, 14, 92, 754–772; suspension of food shipments by Allies on account of Roumanian aggressive action in Hungary, 561, 573, 577–578; termination of food shipments, proposed, 343
- Russia: Deliveries effected, 428, 429, 457, 500, 501; financing, 487; Odessa, question of relief to, 109, 155–156; prisoners of war and refugees, 14, 170, 171, 428, 457, 501; situation, general, 279, 622–623, 635, 643–658
- Serbia. See Jugoslavia, supra.
- Shipping for food relief. See Shipping: Food transport.
- Sweden (see also Neutrals, supra), 7, 16, 754–772; food import requirements, 754–772
- Switzerland (see also Neutrals, supra), 32, 34, 754–772; food import requirements, 754–772
- Trieste, food shipments by way of, 404, 736
- Turkey: Deliveries effected, 169, 171, 277, 428, 429, 457, 500, 501; financing, 14, 32, 94–95; requirements, 14, 92, 678, 706–707, 754–772
- United States: Import requirements, 92; objections to continuance of Allied cooperation in food after peace, 328–329, 346, 376, 493–495, 519–520, 620–621; representation on subcommittees of Consultative Food Committee, question of, 634; resolutions regarding food supplies to Germany, 54–55
- Administrative organizations (see
Food Section):
- Food Section of Supreme Economic Council: Discussions, general, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 28, 31, 43, 57, 68, 74, 77, 81–82, 84–85, 91, 159–160, 162, 173, 185, 260, 295–296, 296–297, 306–316, 317, 319–320, 342, 365, 367–368, 368–369, 374, 382–396, 432, 471–472, 474–476, 497, 542–558; establishment and organization, 5, 162; Freight Committee, reports concerning employment [Page 798] and disposition of tonnage for food transport, 295, 306–316, 374, 382–396, 471–472, 474–476, 497, 542–558
- Four, Council of. See Supreme Council.
- France. See under Coal; Communications; Food; Shipping; also under Trade regulation: Views.
- Georgian Republic, interference with Armenian relief shipments, 473, 482–483, 532
- Germany (see also
Rhineland; and under
Coal; Communications; Finance; Food; Prisoners; Shipping; Supreme Council; Trade
- Armistice:
- Bolshevism, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25
- Commissions concerning Germany: Committee on Execution of Treaty of Peace, 562, 567; Subcommittee on Germany, 152–153, 163, 174, 180, 194–195, 207–208, 220–221, 225–226, 230, 267, 271, 294, 298–299, 299–303, 327, 339, 341, 348, 358–359, 364, 367, 375, 405–407, 447–448, 451–452, 485, 496, 526–528
- Treaty of peace:
- Food limitation provision, question of inclusion in preliminary peace, 74
- Ports, waterways, and railways provisions, 134, 373, 379–380, 404, 434, 445–448, 491–492, 730–731, 731–732
- Ratifications, delay in exchange of, 614
- Reparation. See Reparation: Germany.
- Signature, Allied measures in event of German failure to execute. See Trade regulation: Germany: Blockade: Reimposition.
- Great Britain (see also under Coal; Communications; Food; Shipping): Assistance to Polish anti-typhus campaign, 560, 572, 576–577; views on European exchange situation, 676, 685–699
- Greece. See under Communications; Food; Shipping; Trade regulation.
- Health (see also Typhus epidemic), medical supplies and drugs to Germany, 327, 339; to Poland, 572
- Hoover, Herbert (Director-General of Relief):
- Administration of Austro-Hungarian railways to facilitate relief and coal transport, 57, 170, 185, 221–222, 233, 278, 396–398; extension of control to Czechoslovak and Polish coal mines, proposed, 185, 218–219, 221–222, 233, 278–279
- Child-feeding program, 170–171, 279, 428, 556
- Memoranda (see also
Monthly reports, infra), discussions and texts:
- Allied relief contributions, Dec. 1918–May 1919, 449, 455–458
- Austrian food financing, 297–298, 321–323, 472, 478–480, 498
- Coal situation in Europe, 495, 522–525
- Danube shipping, distribution, 373
- Economic situation in Europe, 451, 462–468
- Estimate of European pre-harvest bread grains, 497, 530–531
- Food requirements of Europe, Apr.–July, 86, 91–96
- General food policy after pence, 328–329, 342–343, 345–346, 354–355
- Georgian interference with Armenian food shipments, 473, 482–483
- German food financing, 15–25
- Hungary: Allied economic policy, 460–461; relief requirements, 229, 233–234
- Prisoners of war, 472, 477–478, 490, 506–512
- Typhus relief measures, 490, 502–506
- Monthly reports on relief operations, discussions and texts: Mar., 158–159, 166–171; Apr., 268, 277–279; May, 376, 427–429; June, 489–490, 499–501
- Proposal for creation of International Economic Council, cited, 625
- Hungary. See under Communications; Finance; Food; Prisoners; Shipping; Supreme Council; Trade regulation.
- Italy. See under Coal; Communications; Food; Shipping; Trade regulation.
- Jugoslavia. See under Communications; Food; Prisoners; Shipping.
- Latin American ports, enemy shipping in: Allocation to British management, 296, 317–318; delivery, 533
- Latvia. See Baltic states.
- League of Nations: Economic sanctions, principle of, proposed Allied application against Germany in event of failure to sign peace, 237; relation of Supreme Economic Council and sections thereof, 417–418, 430–431, 498–499, 621, 684, 785–786
- Lithuania. See Baltic states.
- Loan by United States to France, Great Britain, and Italy for financing Austrian relief, 33, 158, 179, 219, 297–298, 321–323, 348, 364–365, 367–368, 486
- Lumber, Italian purchase from Germany, 328, 341
- Luxemburg. See under Trade regulation.
- Maritime Transport Council. See under Shipping: Administrative organizations.
- Maritime Transport Executive. See under Shipping: Administrative organizations.
- Mexican ports, enemy shipping in, allocation to British management, 317–318
- Montenegro. See under Food.
- Netherlands (see also Trade regulation: Germany: Neutral trading; and under Food), surrender of German shipping in Dutch ports, 533
- Neutrals. See Food: Germany: Neutral food shipments; and under Trade regulation.
- Nitrates: Allied nonobjection to reexport to Germany by contiguous neutrals, 105, 128–129; Nitrate Executive, 105, 128
- Norway. See Food: Germany: Neutral food shipments; Trade regulation: Germany: Neutral trading.
- Oil tankers. See under Shipping: Germany.
- Paris, Interallied Commission in, 87–88, 100–101, 205–206, 209
- Peace treaties. See Treaty under Austria and Germany.
- Permanent Committee of Supreme Economic Council: Establishment, 499, 560; minutes of first meeting, Sept. 13, 570–575; procedure and powers, 560, 569–576; recommendations and work of, 561, 562, 563, 570–575, 579, 580, 617–618, 622, 626, 627, 628, 629–631, 639–640, 642, 673–674, 685–686, 785–786; U. S. nonparticipation, 560
- Poland (see also Danzig and Typhus epidemic; also under Coal; Communications; Food; Prisoners; Trade regulation), repatriation of troops in France, 104, 106, 116, 332
- Policy, Committee on, 329, 346, 356, 363–364, 376, 431, 450–451, 499
- Ports, waterways, and railways (see also Communications): Commission on International Regime of, 515; peace treaty provisions, proposals concerning, 134, 373, 379–380, 404, 434, 445–446, 491–492, 730–731, 731–732
- Postal, telegraphic, and wireless communication. See under Communications.
- Press Section of Supreme Economic Council, 105, 128, 162
- Prisoners of war and refugees:
- Austria, prisoners in Siberia, proposed repatriation, 506–508, 680–681, 772–775
- Commission on repatriation, proposed, 490
- Czechoslovakia, prisoners and refugees in Siberia, proposed repatriation, 433, 680–681, 772–775
- Germany: German prisoners in Siberia, proposed repatriation, 506–508, 680–681, 772–775; German prisoners in Greece, proposed repatriation, 251; Russian prisoners in Germany, Allied food relief and proposed repatriation, 14, 170, 171, 428, 457, 472, 477–478, 487
- Hungary, prisoners in Siberia, proposed repatriation, 506–507, 772
- Jugoslavia, prisoners in Siberia, proposed repatriation, 680–681, 772–775
- Poland, prisoners and refugees requiring repatriation, 506, 508–512, 680–681, 772–775
- Roumania, prisoners and refugees in Siberia, proposed repatriation, 680–681, 772–775
- Russia: Allied and enemy prisoners in Russia, proposed repatriation, 433, 490, 506, 680–681, 772–775; Russian prisoners in Germany, Allied food relief and proposed repatriation, 14, 170, 171, 428, 457, 472, 477–478, 487
- Railways. See under Communications.
- Raw materials (see also Raw Materials Section and under Trade regulation: Germany), general situation, 264, 492, 495, 496, 528, 565–566, 594–601, 602–603, 615–616, 639–640, 647, 684–685
- Raw Materials Section of Supreme Economic Council: Discussions, general, 4–5, 34, 35, 43, 68, 71–74, 79, 107, 157–158, 164–166, 176, 177, 181, 185–186, 200, 231, 233, 238, 239, 240, 244–246, 249–250, 253–255, 268, 277, 294, 349, 361–362, 375, 432, 441–442, 559, 565–566, 594–601, 621, 628, 639–640, 676, 684–685; establishment, 4–5; future of, 621, 639–640; Subcommittee on Coal, 67, 88, 177, 219, 221, 226–227, 275–277
- Red Cross:
- Relief, food. See Food.
- Reparation:
- Austria. See Food: Austria: Financing: Reparation.
- Commissions:
- Committee on Organization of Reparation
- Administration of economic problems arising in execution of German peace treaty, 434, 447–448, 452, 562–563, 567
- Relations with Supreme Economic Council and subsidiary organizations, 484–488, 496, 526–529, 561, 563–565, 579, 618, 624–626, 675, 717, 718–719
- Transfer of functions to Reparation Commission, 679
- Work of (see also Administration of economic problems, supra), 565–566, 568–569, 574, 583–584
- Reparation Commission (see also Committee on Organization, supra), functions in connection with provisioning of Austria, 450, 479, 480, 564, 584, 619, 629, 635
- Committee on Organization of Reparation
- Germany: Italian objections to reparation provisions regarding coal, 182, 345, 349–352; prejudice to reparation provisions by unduly large exports of dyestuffs to neutrals, 294, 299–302
- Rhineland (see also
Food; Germany: Rhine questions; Trade
regulation: Rhine questions):
- Coal situation, 183
- Commissions concerning administration of occupied territories:
- Commission on Left Bank of Rhine, establishment for purpose of studying administration of occupied areas, 302, 326
- Interallied Commission on Rhine Territory: Proposals for establishment of, 149–153, 173–174, 202–203, 204–208; relations with Subcommittee on Germany, 526; work of, 213, 226, 230, 294, 302, 567
- Interallied Rhineland High Commission: Appointment of commissioners, delay in, 526, 528; relations with military command, 267, 271, 295; responsibility to Supreme Economic Council and Subcommittee on Germany, 417, 526–527
- Rhineland Republic, economic problems in event of establishment of, 348, 358–359, 528
- Rhine River:
- Commissions: Commission Interalliée de Navigation de Campagne, 295, 305–306, 326, 336–337, 403; Inter-national Rhine Commission, 295, 305, 326
- Traffic: Control by Commission Interalliée de Navigation de Campagne, proposed continuance, 252, 295, 305–306, 326, 336–337, 403; reopening of Rhine to Swiss traffic with neutral and Allied countries, 58, 62–63, 103, 114; transport of food to Czechoslovakia via Rhine, proposed, 6, 42, 46
- Rotterdam commissions. See under Trade regulation: Germany: Negotiations: Organizations; also under Food: Administrative organizations.
- Roumania. See under Communications; Finance; Food; Prisoners; Shipping; Trade regulation.
- Russia (see also Typhus epidemic; and under Communications; Food; Prisoners; Shipping; Supreme Council; Trade regulation), general consideration of Allied economic policy in Russia, 348–349, 359–361, 365, 368–369, 375, 407–412, 417, 432, 439–442, 450, 461–462, 571, 573
- Serb-Croat-Slovene State. See Jugoslavia.
- Shipping and navigation:
- Administrative organizations concerning shipping
(see also
Shipping Section): Allied Maritime
Transport Council, 1–2, 5, 7, 26–28, 104, 105, 116–119, 121,
126, 282; termination, 105, 126
- Allied Maritime Transport Executive, 127, 232, 250, 251, 256–257, 258–260, 269, 281, 296, 308, 317–319, 345, 353–354, 375, 432–433, 441, 443, 472, 485, 496, 497–498, 563, 568, 571, 573, 603–610, 678, 679, 707–716, 717–718; termination, 679, 717–718
- Danube, commissions concerning. See under Danube River.
- Freight Committee of Food Section, reports concerning employment of enemy tonnage for food shipments, 295, 306–316, 374, 382–396, 471–472, 474–476, 497, 542–558
- Rhine, commissions concerning. See under Rhine River.
- Shipping Executive, 251, 257
- U. S. Shipping Board, 28, 104, 116, 118, 119–120, 471
- Allied shipping. See Food transport infra.
- Argentine food shipping arrangements. See Food: Argentine shipments.
- Austria (see also Austro-Hungarian shipping and Enemy shipping, infra): Argentine food relief, shipping arrangements, 33–34, 41; requirements for food shipments, 471–472, 475–476, 630
- Austro-Hungarian shipping (see also Enemy shipping, infra):
- Belgium: Allocation of enemy tonnage to Belgian management, 178, 190–191, 218, 250, 257, 259, 432, 443–444, 605, 606, 708, 715; diversion to Antwerp of enemy tonnage carrying food from Argentina, desire for, 432, 443, 471, 477
- Blacklisted ships. See under Neutral shipping, infra.
- Brussels agreement regarding shipping, execution of. See Enemy shipping, infra.
- Coal transport, 11, 56, 59–60, 67, 108, 137–139, 182, 187, 226–227, 374
- Czechoslovakia: Interest in Danube navigation, 641, 730–731; request for allocation of enemy shipping, 498, 557–558; transport of food supply via Elbe and Rhine, 6, 42, 46, 77, 134, 168, 180, 192, 233, 278, 397, 402, 403, 731, 737
- Danube River shipping. See Danube River.
- Elbe River shipping. See Elbe River.
- Enemy shipping, allocation for management and
employment for food transport in accordance with Armistice and
Brussels agreements:
- Discussions, general, 3, 7, 26–28, 37–39, 41–42, 43–44, 49–53, 53–55, 57–58, 60–62, 93–94, 159–160, 172, 178, 190–191, 218, 232, 250–251, 256–260, 281–283, 293, 295–296, 306–318, 374, 382–396, 432, 433, 443–445, 471–472, 474–476, 497–498, 533–557, 557–558, 563, 568–569, 581–582, 606, 610–612, 707–716
- Reports, statistical, 295, 306–316, 374, 382–396, 471–472, 474–476, 497, 534–542, 542–558
- Requests for allocation: Belgium, 178, 190–191, 218, 250, 257, 259, 432, 443–444, 708, 715; Czechoslovakia, 498, 557–558; France, 433, 568, 606; Greece, 178, 190–191, 259; Italy, 433, 568, 606; Jugoslavia, 281–283, 568–569, 610–612
- Food transport (see also Enemy shipping, supra, and under Germany, infra), employment of Allied and neutral ships, 18–19, 28, 41, 93–94, 95–96, 104, 116–120
- France: Allocation of enemy shipping to French management, 708, 712, 714, 715; claim to priority on shipping for devastated regions, 678–679, 716–717; delivery of Vesta to Italy, proposed, 568, 606; dispatch of enemy shipping to unauthorized destinations, 232, 251, 257; food shipping difficulties, 5, 12–13, 433, 436; use of surplus enemy shipping for coal transport, proposed, 374
- Germany:
- Coal shipments via sea route from Ruhr to East Prussia, 108, 137–139
- Food transport (see also Enemy shipping, supra): Coastal shipping, freedom to ply to northern neutral ports to transport food, 84–85, 91, 104–105, 120–121, 181, 199–200; fishing vessels, removal of restrictions on activity in North and Baltic Seas, 25, 65, 77, 81, 84–85, 91, 120–121, 179–180, 191, 219, 264; use of blacklisted neutral ships, proposed, 85, 104, 121, 161, 259
- Oil tankers, proposed Allied disposition of, and U. S. claims on behalf of Standard Oil Co., 78, 568, 603–610, 617, 628–629, 676, 714
- Great Britain:
- Greece: Allocation of enemy shipping to Greek management, desire for, 178, 190–191, 259; cession of enemy tonnage, request for, 631; permission for Greek ships to load Greek-owned goods in Crimean ports, desire for, 496–497, 530; request for return of Danube shipping owned by Greek nationals, 491–492, 517
- Hungary (see also Austro-Hungarian shipping and Enemy shipping, supra), temporary closure of Danube River at Budapest, 348, 358, 433, 730–731
- Italy:
- Allocation of shipping to Italian management, 708, 712, 715
- Austro-Hungarian shipping, Italian interests: Claim to ownership of vessels under construction in Austrian ports and completed by Italy, 296, 318–319; purchase of shares in Austro-Hungarian shipping companies in violation of Allied regulations, 122–123, 345, 353–354
- German shipping, Italian demand for Vesta, 568, 606
- Repatriation of Italian emigrants, shipping needs, 433
- Shipping difficulties regarding food and coal supplies, 5, 9, 11, 41–42, 56, 58–59, 59–60, 67, 182, 187, 226–227, 374
- Jugoslavia: Allocation of enemy shipping to Jugoslav management, question of, 283, 568–569, 610–612; claim to former Austro-Hungarian fleet in Adriatic, 105, 121–123, 178, 269, 281–283; interest in Danube navigation, 641, 730–731
- Latin American ports, enemy shipping in: Allocation to British management, 296, 317–318; delivery, 533
- Netherlands ports, surrender of German shipping in, 533
- Neutral shipping (see also Food: Argentine shipments), blacklisted ships: Proposed utilization for transport of food to Germany, 85; suspension of black list on ships, 104, 121, 161, 259
- Oil tankers. See under Germany, supra.
- Polish troops in France, proposed repatriation via Danzig, 104, 106, 116, 332
- Rhine River shipping. See Rhine River.
- Roumania, interest in Danube navigation, 491, 512–517, 641, 730–731
- Russia: Greek request for permission to enter Crimean ports to load Greek-owned goods, 496–497, 530; port situation in Southern Russia, 648–654
- Spain, enemy shipping in: Delivery, 3, 533; desire of Spain to use, 3
- United States: German passenger vessels, use in repatriating American troops, 714; surplus German tonnage in American ports, 472, 497–498; tankers, German, U. S. claims on behalf of Standard Oil Co., 78, 568, 603–610, 617, 628–629, 676, 714; U. S. Shipping Board, 28, 104, 116, 118, 119–120
- Administrative organizations concerning shipping
(see also
Shipping Section): Allied Maritime
Transport Council, 1–2, 5, 7, 26–28, 104, 105, 116–119, 121,
126, 282; termination, 105, 126
- Shipping Section of Supreme Economic Council: Discussions, general, 4–5, 31, 35, 41–42, 56–57, 67, 82, 85, 86, 88, 104–105, 116, 121–122, 126–127, 178, 190–191, 218, 232, 251, 258–260, 269, 281, 296, 319, 353, 432; establishment and organization, 88, 105, 126–127, 251; transfer of functions to Allied Maritime Transport Executive in London, 258–260, 269, 281, 296, 319
- Silesia, 177, 402
- Spain. See under Shipping.
- Statistics, Committee on, 498–499, 621
- Standard Oil Co. tankers and U. S. claims for, 78, 568, 603–610, 617, 628–629, 676, 714
- Supreme Council, action and decisions concerning—
- Adriatic blockade, 42, 86–87
- Adriatic railway mission, establishment, 724
- Armenian situation, 473, 482–483, 497, 623–624
- Austria: Blockade, 103, 114; coal, 560, 565, 577; food, 450, 472, 478–480, 619–620
- Austro-Hungarian fleet, disposition of, 611
- Baltic states, Allied policy, 103, 114, 160, 180, 250, 256, 269, 279–280, 381
- Blockade: Adriatic, 42, 86–87: Austria, 103, 114; Baltic, 103, 114; Germany, 210–213, 229–230, 248, 263–264, 266–267, 364, 365–366, 431, 438, 417; Hungary, 103, 114, 228–229, 247, 265, 293, 325–326, 344, 370, 376–377, 431–432, 438–439, 496; Poland, 103, 114; Rhine River, 103, 114; Russia, 326, 344, 370, 376–377, 561, 578–579, 623, 681–683, 775–777
- Danube shipping, proposed arbitration, 562–563, 614
- European Coal Commission, establishment, 561–562
- European economic situation, general, 568, 616
- Fiume, use for Jugoslav shipments, 449, 455, 529
- Germany:
- Bavarian revictualling, 103
- Blockade relaxation and resumption of trade, 19, 47, 57–58, 60–62, 84, 90–91, 210–213, 229–230, 248, 263–264, 266–267, 364, 365–366, 431, 438, 447
- Economic measures during reconstruction period, 42–43, 47
- Postal communication, 472–473, 492, 518–519
- Prisoners of war: Repatriation of German and other enemy prisoners in Russia, 490, 506–512, 772; Russian prisoners in Germany, 472, 477–478
- Rhineland: Administration, 326, 417–418, 526, 528; economic problems, 348
- Silesian political situation, 177
- Tank steamers, 617, 628–629
- Hungary, blockade and Allied economic policy, 103, 229, 247, 265, 293, 326, 344, 370, 376–377, 431–432, 438–439, 450, 460–461, 496
- Interchange of goods in Central Europe, 560, 576
- Roumania, suspension of Allied food shipments, 561, 577–578
- Russia, blockade and resumption of trade with cooperatives, 326, 344, 359, 370, 376–377, 561, 578–579, 623, 681–683, 775, 777
- Supreme Economic Council: Establishment, terms of reference, delegation of executive authority, 1–2, 4, 42–43, 47, 176, 219–220, 414–420, 419–422, 425, 624; maintenance of, or other measures to continue Allied economic cooperation after peace, 346, 430–431, 492–496; relation of Armistice commissions under proposed reorganization, 109, 147–154, 160–161, 173–175, 181, 202–209
- Supreme Economic Council:
- Belgian participation in Council and sections, 157, 163, 208, 269, 632
- Establishment and organization (see also Commissions, etc.): Agenda, procedure, 8; chairmanship, rotation of, 2; functions and powers, 1–2, 4–5, 42, 418–419; secretariat, 2, 8, 123–126, 162; sections, general discussions on establishment and organization, 4–5, 105, 123, 125–126, 154, 162
- Future of:
- Committee on Policy, study of question, 329, 346, 356, 363–364, 376, 431, 450–451, 499
- Discussions, general, 328–329, 342–343, 345–347, 354–358, 363–364, 376, 414–427, 430–431, 434–435, 450–451, 492–496, 499, 624–626, 660–664, 684, 785–786
- Recommendation by Supreme Council for continuance of economic consultation, 430–431
- Relation to proposed League of Nations economic section, 417–418, 430–431, 624–626, 660–661, 662–664, 684, 785–786; to Reparation Commission, 624–626, 660–661
- Views of Belgium, 346, 424–426; France, 346, 418–424, 435–437; Great Britain, 346, 355–356; Hoover, 434–435; Italy, 346, 426–427; United States, 346, 376
- Meetings:
- Feb. 17–July 26 (Paris), minutes, 1–488
- Aug. 1–2 (London), minutes, 489–559
- Sept. 20 (Brussels): Minutes, 559–612; U. S. nonparticipation, 559
- Nov. 21–23 (Rome): Arrangements, 569; minutes, 613–674; telegram of appreciation to previous Council members, 614, 628; U. S. nonparticipation, 613
- Feb. 6–1, 1920 (Paris): Arrangements, 626, 628; minutes, 675–786; U. S. nonparticipation, 675
- Time and place of subsequent meetings, question of, 684
- Sweden. See Trade regulation: Neutrals; and under Food.
- Switzerland. See Trade regulation: Neutrals; and under Food.
- Ten, Council of. See Supreme Council.
- Trade regulation:
- Administrative organizations (see also Blockade Section, and Germany: Negotiations and arrangements: Organizations for execution, infra), Superior Blockade Council, 1–2, 2, 3, 42, 68–70, 79–81
- Adriatic blockade, relaxation, 42, 86–87, 108, 140, 282
- Alsace, unauthorized exports to unoccupied Germany, 230, 249, 296, 326–327, 337–339
- Austria:
- Blockade: Raising of, 2, 5, 40, 41, 66, 68–71, 103, 114, 365, 560, 576; restrictions on export of gold and securities, 385; [Page 804] Vienna blockade commission, 162, 332, 365, 371, 377–378; trading with neutrals, 40
- Prohibition by Austria of trade with Germany and Hungary until entry into force of peace treaties, Allied proposals for Austrian declaration, 325, 332, 370, 371, 377; permission for continuance of small frontier traffic with Hungary, 371, 377–378
- Baltic states. See Esthonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, infra.
- Coal. See Coal.
- Communications, Allied censorship and control of. See Communications: Postal, etc.
- Czechoslovakia: German dyestuffs supplies, question of, 528; raw materials needs, 233, 244–246; resumption of interchange of potatoes and coal with Poland, 473, 481–482, 489, 560
- Enemy trading lists (see also Germany: Neutral trading: Black lists, infra), suspension and eventual suppression, 108–109, 146–147, 179, 563, 574
- Esthonia, resumption of trade, 87, 99, 103, 114
- Germany (see also
Rhine, infra):
- Austrian prohibition of trade with Germany until entry into force of peace treaty, Allied proposal for Austrian undertaking, 325, 332, 370, 371, 377
- Blacklisted firms, German trade with. See Neutrals: Black lists, infra.
- Blockade (see also under
Neutrals, infra), Allied relaxation of:
- Allied proposals and views, 19, 31, 34, 58, 61, 62, 65, 76–77, 202, 210–213, 214–215, 219, 221, 225–226, 229–230, 431, 437–438, 447–448, 451–453, 528
- Brussels agreements, status upon lifting of blockade, 431, 447–448
- German-Allied negotiations. See Negotiations, infra.
- Reimposition, proposed, in event of German failure to sign peace, 19, 22, 230–231, 235–237, 248–249, 252–253, 262–263, 266–267, 292, 364, 365–367; financial arrangements regarding Allied losses on food shipments in event of, 248, 265–266, 270, 293
- Status of blockade, draft Allied announcement, 263–264, 266
- Coal. See Coal: Germany.
- Customs duties, 567
- Dyestuffs: Allied purchasing arrangements, 180, 181, 193–199, 213, 231, 248, 294, 303; pledging as security for food, proposed, 231, 240–241; supplies for Czechoslovakia, question of, 528; unduly large exports by Germany to neutrals, possible prejudice to reparation provisions of peace treaty, 294, 299–302
- Financial questions, application of proceeds from exports to food purchases, 43, 48–49, 54, 55, 62, 66, 76, 79
- Food. See Food: Germany.
- Import policy, 362, 567, 573–574, 601–602
- Medical supplies and drugs, 327, 339
- Nationalization of soda industry, proposed, 294, 300–301, 302–303
- Negotiations and arrangements with Allies
regarding import of food and raw material, export of German
products, and other economic questions during Armistice
period (see also
Shipping: Enemy):
- Conferences and agreements:
- Brussels conference, Mar. 13–14 (see also Prohibition and preemption lists, infra):
- Luxemburg protocol of Dec. 25, 1918, 136, 183, 185, 375, 405–407
- Spa conference, Mar. 4–5: Instructions to Allied delegates, 31–32, 34–39, 40–41, 43–44, 48–49, 53–55, 57–58, 60–62; report of proceedings, 49–53; suspension of negotiations, 41, 43, 44, 53
- Trèves agreements: Agreement of Jan. 17, 16, 17, 18, 27, 37, 50: financial arrangements of Feb. 16, 35
- Organizations for execution of
- Compiègne finance commission, 108, 153, 154, 209
- German commission to facilitate current negotiations, proposed, 175, 209
- German desire for centralized accounting bureau at Rotterdam, 347, 356–357
- Luxemburg, interallied committee of, 150, 151–153, 153, 154, 201, 205–206, 208, 221, 225–226, 230, 302
- Preempted exports, commission for, 154
- Proposals, 181, 209, 270, 293, 298–299
- Rotterdam commissions:
- Conferences and agreements:
- Neutral trading with Germany (see also
Food: Germany: Neutral food
- Black lists on neutral firms and ships:
- Blockade: Reimposition of blockade in event of German failure to sign peace, 235–236, 252–253, 267, 292; relaxation of restrictions, 3, 5, 7, 40, 181, 210–213, 214–215, 221, 228, 264, 448, 452–453
- German exports, 76, 77, 79, 80, 193
- Reexport of nitrates to Germany, Allied nonobjection, 105, 128–129
- Sale of German cargoes in neutral ports, 35, 36, 62
- Nitrates, Allied nonobjection to reexport to Germany by contiguous neutrals, 105, 128–129
- Private trade relations, question of permission for Allied citizens to resume, 213, 215, 364, 367
- Prohibition and preemption lists governing German exports under Brussels agreements: Allied telegram to Germany, Mar. 25, 75, 83–84, 89–90, 90–91, 102; discussions, general, 31, 34, 71–74, 75, 79, 83–84, 89–90, 90–91, 102, 107–108, 110, 134–137, 141–143, 145–146, 180, 193–199, 231, 241, 248, 262–263, 264, 267, 270–271, 293–294, 298–303, 327–328, 340–341; organization of negotiations, proposed, 181, 209, 270, 293, 298–299
- Raw materials:
- Reexports to Bolshevik Russia and Hungary, Allied restrictions on, 325–326, 333–336
- Resumption of trade between occupied and unoccupied territory: Discussions, general, 83, 181, 200–201, 213, 215, 220–221, 225–226, 230, 249, 296, 326–327, 337–339; Swiss protest against discrimination to Swiss trade, 326–327; unauthorized exports from Alsace to unoccupied territory, 230, 249, 296, 326–327, 337–339
- Transport of exports on food ships returning to Argentina, 563, 573, 581–582
- Turkey, question of German exports to, 627, 673–674
- Greece, request to Allies for permission to enter Crimean ports to load Greek-owned goods, 496–497, 530
- Hungary:
- Allied economic policy, question of, 450, 460–461, 496
- Blockade: Relaxation, 66, 68–70, 103, 114, 228–229, 247, 265, 293, 333, 344, 370, 376–377, 431–432, 438–439, 496; violation, alleged, 345, 363, 372–373
- German reexports to Hungary after lifting of blockade, Allied prohibition of, 325–326, 333–336
- Trade with Austria, 371, 377–378
- Italy (see also under Views, infra): Delay in raising Adriatic blockade, 86–87; lumber purchases from Germany, 328, 341; raw material requirements, 12
- Latvia, resumption of trade, 103, 114, 115, 160
- Lithuania, resumption of trade, 103, 114, 115, 160
- Luxemburg: Interallied committee of Luxemburg, 150, 151–153, 153, 154, 201, 205–206, 208, 221, 225–226, 230, 302; Luxemburg protocol of Dec. 25, 1918,136, 183, 185, 375, 405–407; resumption of trade, 87, 100
- Neutrals:
- Poland: Interchange of potatoes and coal with Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Germany, 473, 481–482, 489, 560, 576; raw materials requirements, 233, 244–246; resumption of trade, permission for, 87, 98, 103, 114
- Rhine questions (see also Germany: Resumption of trade between occupied and unoccupied territory, supra): Freedom for Right Bank to trade in foodstuffs with adjoining neutral and Allied countries, proposed, 26; reopening of Rhine River to Swiss traffic with neutral and Allied countries, 58, 62–63, 103, 114
- Roumania, Allied suspension of supply shipments on account of Roumanian aggressive action in Hungary, 561, 573, 577–578
- Russia (see also Russia: Allied economic policy); German prohibition of reexports to Russia after conclusion of peace, Allied provision for, 325–326, 333–336; Greek request to Allies for permission to enter Crimean ports to load Greek-owned goods, 496–497, 530; maintenance of blockade, 248, 344, 370, 376–377, 561, 572, 578–579; resumption of trade through Allied negotiations with Russian cooperatives, 635, 681–683, 775–785
- Supreme Council, decisions and action. See Supreme Council: Blockade.
- Switzerland (see also Food: Germany: Neutral food shipments; Germany: Neutral trading): Establishment of unlimited rations, proposed, 181, 201–202; protest against discrimination to Swiss trade arising from trade between occupied and unoccupied Germany, 326–327; resumption of traffic on Rhine with neutral and Allied countries, 58, 62–63, 103, 114
- Turkey, question of German exports to, 627, 673–674
- Views of—
- France: Claim to priority on German exports for reconstruction of devastated areas, 110, 158, 164–166; objections to relaxation of blockade restrictions on Germany, 210–211, 212; views on resumption of German trade, 158, 164–166, 176, 262
- Great Britain, recommendations for relaxation of German blockade, 214–215; Hungarian blockade, 265
- Italy: Approval of proposed relaxation of German blockade, 212; delay in raising Adriatic blockade, 86–87, 140
- United States: Censorship, desire for removal of, 109, 147; memorandum regarding blockade of Hungary and Bolshevik Russia, 335–336, 361; removal of blockade on Germany, and reimposition in event of German failure to sign peace, approval of, 211–212, 212–213, 237; removal of blockade on northern neutrals, desire for, 3, 5; suspension of enemy trade and black lists, desire for, 108–109, 146–147
- Transylvania, 743, 752–753
- Treaties, conventions, etc.:
- Austria. See Austria: Treaty of peace.
- Berlin, treaty of 1878, 513
- Berne convention of 1890, 734
- Brussels conference and agreements. See Shipping: Enemy; and under Trade regulation: Germany: Negotiations: Conferences.
- Germany. See Germany: Treaty of peace.
- Luxemburg protocol of Dec. 25, 1918, 136, 183, 185, 375, 405–407
- Paris, treaty of 1856, 512
- Peace treaties. See Treaty of peace under Austria and Germany.
- Trèves agreements. See under Trade regulation: Germany: Negotiations: Conferences, etc.
- Trèves agreements. See under Trade regulation: Germany: Negotiations: Conferences, etc.
- Trieste. See under Communications.
- Turkey. See under Communications; Food; Trade regulation.
- Typhus epidemic in Southeastern Europe, including Russia, cooperation of Allies and International Red Cross in campaign to suppress, 251–252, 260–261, 269, 283–291, 297, 375–376, 412–414, 451, 468–469, 490, 502–506, 560, 572, 576–577; special assistance to Poland, 375–376, 412–414, 490, 502–506, 560, 572, 576–577
- United States (see also Hoover; and under Coal; Communications; Finance; Food; Shipping; Trade regulation: Views): Cooperation of U. S. Army in anti-typhus campaign in Poland, 490, 502–506; nonparticipation in last meetings of Supreme Economic Council, 559, 613, 675
- Waterways, See Danube, Elbe, and Rhine.
- Wheat Executive, 8, 35, 104, 159, 172, 179, 309, 342
- Yugoslavia, See Jugoslavia.
- This is primarily a subject index; no attempt has been made (except in a few instances) to include names of persons. A directory of the Supreme Economic Council is printed in vol. iii, pp. 87–90.↩