Paris Peace Conf. 871.51/15
The Special Representative of the Treasury in Europe ( Davis ) to President Wilson
Dear Mr. President: With reference to the cable which you sent to the Secretary of the Treasury regarding the establishment of a credit for $5,000,000 in favor of Roumania74 and to a cable which I also sent to the Secretary on the subject,75 I am now in receipt of a cable76 to the effect that the Treasury is ready to establish a credit of $5,000,000 in favor of Roumania and to advance funds thereunder against Roumanian obligations to pay for foodstuffs bought in the United States, upon the following conditions:
- 1.
- That the establishment of the credit be approved by you,
- 2.
- That the State Department advise that Roumania is at war with the enemies of this country and that some person in Washington is duly authorized to execute the corresponding obligation on behalf of the Roumanian Government, and,
- 3.
- That a statement be furnished by Mr. Hoover clearly pointing out Roumania’s need for the specified food for use within her territory.
Mr. Hoover is preparing the statement required and I understand that the State Department is clearing up the legal aspects of the question, and I respectfully request that, if it meets with your approval, you sign the enclosed letter for transmission by me to the Secretary of the Treasury.77
I am [etc.]
- Telegram No. 215, Jan. 9, 1919, 5 p.m., from the Commission to Negotiate Peace, p. 712.↩
- See telegram No. 132, Jan. 2, 1919, from the Commission to Negotiate Peace, p. 693.↩
- See telegram No. 6879, Jan. 7, 1919, 3 p.m., from the Acting Secretary of State, p. 708.↩
- For the text of the letter as sent, see telegram No. 397, Jan. 23, 1919, 11 a.m. from the Commission to Negotiate Peace, p. 723.↩