File No. 763.72111/7190
The Persian Chargé ( Ali-Kuli Khan) to the Secretary of State
Excellency: I have the honor to submit for the information of your Government translations of recent communications received [Page 914] from the Persian Government,1 pertaining to the occupation of Persian territory by the troops of the belligerent powers, which, in violating the neutrality of Persia, has resulted in offending the public feeling and provoking a desperate situation, of which the ravaging famine is but one aspect. In presenting the enclosed data, I beg to state that Persia looks to America to insure her, after the war, against a recurrence of such hopeless conditions, which have afflicted the people of that ancient land. We have full confidence that the great principles of humanity and justice enunciated by your Government will in the day of peace extend their blessings towards Persia, as one of the countries which has endured long years of manifold trials with patience and long suffering.
Accept [etc.]
- Not printed.↩