File No. 761.91/54

The Minister in Persia ( Caldwell) to the Secretary of State


Persian Cabinet who themselves expect to fall within a week, in order to obtain popularity with public opinion have issued decree announcing in effect abolition of capitulations, extraterritorial rights, etc., and annulling certain Russian concessions, treaties and conventions such as treaty of Turkomanchai under which we claim the most favored nation privilege. Text of decree reads as follows in substance:

July 30, 1918.

Since all concessions, treaties and agreements with the Russian Government and her subjects during the last one hundred years have been wrung from Persia either by force, oppression or illegal proceedings such as threats, temptation and inducements, and to her great disadvantage;

Since all the great countries of the world from the beginning of the present war have been announcing to the public their consideration for the economic and political independence of weak nations;

Since the new Russian Government has made the liberty and perfect independence of all nations her ideal and the object of her aspirations, having often specially announced both formally and informally the abolition of certain treaties and concessions wrung from Persia;

Since said concessions, treaties and agreements, in addition to their having been taken by force and oppression to the great disadvantage of Persia, and those taken after the establishment of Constitutional Government, [are] against the express provisions of the Constitution, and have either not been put into execution or in a very imperfect manner and against the plain provisions of said treaties, agreements and concessions, whereby not only the designated rights of the Government have been disregarded, but by transferring concessions and agreements and making bad use of their provisions, great [and] injurious political and economic abuses have followed, affecting the rights and independence of this nation;

Since Persia has, like all countries, a perfect rightful interest in its own economic resources and natural liberty, therefore these chief officials of the Persian Government have decided to abolish and annul all said treaties, agreements and concessions, and hereby announce [Page 910] this decision to all foreign representatives residing in our capital, and to our representatives residing in other countries, and to the public. Signed, Cabinet of the Ministers.

I beg to request full telegraphic instructions. [Literal] text and newspaper comment follow by mail. The Persians consider this move most important, and in a note to this Legation the Minister for Foreign Affairs expresses a desire to enter into new treaty relations appropriate to present day needs with all friendly nations.
