File No. 763.72111/6962a

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain ( Page)


7474. For your information and guidance. Recently the Department has had several conferences with the British Embassy regarding the Persian situation, at which the Department expressed its anxiety regarding the alarming spread of German propaganda in Persia resulting in a growing sentiment unfavorable to the British in that country. The Embassy was advised of a personal suggestion made by Sir Cecil Spring Rice during one of his last calls at the Department, to the effect that the British Government might be glad to place the United States Government in such a position that it could assure the Persian Government that British assurances regarding the future integrity and independence of Persia would be fulfilled. While this Government is not in a position to approach the British Government with any such suggestion, the peculiarly favorable position which the United States holds in Persia should, in the Department’s opinion, be availed of in the present crisis. You will, therefore, continue to express to the Foreign Office this Government’s concern in the whole Persian situation.
