File No. 763.72/8741
The British Chargé ( Barclay) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 5.]
My Dear Mr. Secretary: In connection with the present situation in Persia, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs recently addressed a note to the Persian Minister in London giving him the [Page 900] assurance that His Majesty’s Government were, as indicated in their previous declarations on the subject, genuinely anxious to assist the Persian Government to maintain the independence and integrity of Persia. It was further stated that the British Minister at Teheran would be instructed to discuss with the Persian authorities the manner in which this object could be carried out in such a way as to be acceptable to Persian public opinion.
I have been instructed to inform you that His Majesty’s Government think that it would be of value if instructions could be given to the French and American Ministers at Teheran to inform the Persian Government that their respective Governments had been informed by His Majesty’s Government of their views, and had authorised their representatives to associate themselves officially in making a declaration, of which the following is a suggested draft:—
His Majesty’s Government have repeatedly expressed to the Persian Government their desire and intention to uphold the independence and integrity of Persia.
They wish now to renew to Your Excellency their assurance, in conjunction with the Governments of the French Republic and the United States of America, whose views in this matter are in entire harmony with their own, that it is the desire and determination of the three Governments to respect the integrity of Persia and to promote the development of the country on independent and self-determined lines as soon as the abnormal conditions created by the present war have been removed.
I should be much obliged if you would be good enough to inform me in due course whether the United States Government concur in the above procedure and whether they will be prepared to instruct the American representative at Teheran to associate himself with the British and French Ministers in making the proposed declaration to the Persian Government.
A similar enquiry is being made of the French Government.
Believe me [etc.]