File No. 763.72111/6874

The Minister in Persia ( Caldwell) to the Secretary of State


Your January 24, 10 a.m., was given newspapers by the Persian Minister for Foreign Affairs. Publication has created a deep impression of good feeling.

Famine conditions unabated.

Envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the Bolshevik Russian Government has arrived. Not yet received officially by Persian Government but he harangues multitude and gives out interviews and communiqués.

American Consul, Tabriz, reports:

Organization by the British and French Consuls of Armenian force at Urumiah and Tabriz is intended for local protection and to assist Caucasus movement directed from Tiflis. Persians strongly opposed to this military force and Governor General protests against organization. Consuls, including myself, receive anonymous letters threatening our lives. I have not participated in affair.

There is nothing of importance to report.
