File No. 763.72/10766
The Chargé in Honduras ( Curtis) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 20, 8.25 p.m.]
Note from Minister for Foreign Affairs transmitting decree declaring war asks me to express to the Government of the United States the lively sentiments of cordiality on the part of his Government and the desires which animate it in favor of the cause which the United States defends in favor of the liberty of peoples. The text of the decree follows:
Decree No. 58
Francisco Bertrand, Constitutional President of the Republic of Honduras.
Considering: That the motives which originated the severing of the diplomatic relations of this Republic with the German Empire have become accentuated, being characterized every day by greater gravity for the international life of all the peoples.
Considering: That continental solidarity imposes upon the states of America the duty [of contributing] according to the measure of their abilities towards the triumph of the cause of civilization and of right which, with the Allied nations, the United States of America defends; and consequently demands a definite attitude in the present conflict of the world.
Therefore, in council of ministers, decrees:
- Article 1. It is declared that there exists a state of war between the Republic of Honduras and the Government of the German Empire.
- Article 2. [Concerning] the present decree, account shall be rendered to the National Congress at its next session.
Given in Tegucigalpa the 19th day of July, 1918.
Signatures of the President, of all of the members of the Cabinet follow.