File No. 635.119/226
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina ( Stimson)
Your March 2, 2 p.m. and March 8, 3 p.m.1 French Ambassador has informed Department that he is in receipt of cable advices that Naón presented his plans for a commercial and financial convention to the French Minister in Bueno Aires. The French Minister discussed the matter with his British colleague who had also been approached by Naón and suggestion was made in their conversation that it would be advisable to suggest to Argentine Government that to consummate this arrangement tonnage was necessary which might be secured by the taking of German ships in Argentine ports.
For your strictly confidential information and guidance, should this matter come up, this Government will desire to conduct the negotiations to secure these ships for use of Allies and will wish to initiate and take the lead in these negotiations.
- The latter not printed.↩