File No. 862.85/326a
The Secretary of State to the Uruguayan Minister ( De Pena)
Sir: I have the honor to inform you with reference to the conversation which you had at the State Department on February 21 in regard to the bid of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, which is supported by the Government of the United States, that I have been [Page 671] advised by the above-mentioned corporation that it has addressed a communication directly to you, containing certain amplifications, of the bid which the said corporation presented on January 29. In further reference to the conversation above referred to, I desire to set forth herewith the position assumed by the Government of the. United States in supporting this bid.
- First: In regard to the obligation of the Government which supports a bid accepted by the Uruguayan Government, the Government of the United States wishes to make it clear that upon the acceptance of the bid of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, it will, take upon itself any responsibility which on account of the use of the ships Uruguay may for any cause incur.
- Second: In the event of the acceptance of the bid of the Emergency Fleet Corporation the Government of the United States assures the Government of Uruguay that this bid will receive the consent of the British Government, and further assures the Government of Uruguay that it will take all possible steps which are in its power to obtain assurances from the British Government that no change of position will take place on the part of that Government in regard to the signing of the arbitration treaty.
- Third: The Government of the United States understands that the question pertaining to the use of the ships has been directly taken up by the Emergency Fleet Corporation with the Government of Uruguay. The United States Government will agree to see that Uruguayan exports and imports are given most favorable treatment possible.
- Fourth: The Department of State will address to the Uruguayan Legation separate communications in regard to the supply of coal to be sent to Uruguay and in regard to the exportation of arms and ammunition desired by the Government of Uruguay.1
Accept [etc.]
- Not printed.↩