File No. 766.72/10187

The Counselor for the Department of State ( Polk) to the French Ambassador ( Jusserand)

My Dear Mr. Ambassador: Referring to your note of April 27, 1918.2 in regard to the creation by the French Government of the Inter-Allied Munition Committee, which is to examine the question of the best apportionment of the common resources with respect to the production of everything connected with war supplies, composed of steel or other metals, and of everything that relates to chemical industries, I beg to advise you of the receipt of a letter of May 27, 1918.3 from the Chairman of the War Industries Board, who advises the Department that action on this subject has been delayed by reason of the necessity for consultation with the other interests concerned.

In the meanwhile, Mr. Baruch points out, the French Government appears to have reconsidered the request submitted in your note, [Page 582] according to a cablegram received through the American Embassy at Paris from the representative of the War Trade Board there, which cablegram states that the French Minister of Munitions intends to send immediately to Washington a commission for the purpose of discussing with the Chairman of the War Industries Board all subjects relating to munitions, including the distribution of raw materials.1

Mr. Baruch adds that the French High Commissioner has also addressed him on this subject, and that he, Mr. Baruch, is calling the attention of the High Commission to the reported plan above mentioned, which, if carried out, Mr. Baruch understands will supersede the plan originally proposed.

I am [etc.]

Frank L. Polk
  1. Ante, p. 565.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Telegram No. 3874 from the Ambassador in France, May 13, ante, p. 568.