File No. 763.72/11751
The Diplomatic Agent at Cairo ( Gary) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 15.]
Sir: With further reference to the Department’s telegraphic instruction of July 31, 4 p.m.,3 and to my despatch No. 116 of August 29, 1918,1 concerning the incident of the display of the American flag by a Jewish battalion, I have the honor to enclose herewith a copy of a note dated September 2, 1918,1 which I have received from the British High Commissioner wherein His Excellency informs me that the commander-in-chief states that this misuse of the American flag was entirely without authority and even without the knowledge of the commanding officer of the battalion concerned.
The High Commissioner conveys the regret of the commander-in-chief that this incident should have occurred and states that General Allenby wishes to assure me that steps have been taken to prevent any occurrence of a similar nature in the future in Egypt or Palestine.
Immediately upon receipt of the High Commissioner’s note, I wrote thanking him and asking him to be so good as to assure General Allenby of my sincere appreciation of his courteous message and of the consideration he has shown in taking steps to prevent a recurrence of the incident.
I have [etc.]