File No. 763.72Su/91
The Diplomatic Liaison Officer with the Supreme War Council ( Frazier) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 5, 7.55 a.m.]
111. The Supreme War Council terminated its session this after, noon. Following announcement will be released for publication in Saturday morning’s papers in London, Paris and Rome:
The Supreme War Council has held its seventh session. It offered its earnest congratulations to the Italian Army and people on their memorable defeat of the Austro-Hungarian Army. In their judgment, this victory gained at a critical period of the war has been an invaluable contribution towards the eventual success of the Allied cause.
A feature of the session was the presence during this meeting of Sir Robert Borden, Prime Minister of Canada, Mr. W. M. Hughes, Prime Minister of Australia, Mr. W. F. Massey, Prime Minister of New Zealand, Mr. W. F. Lloyd, Prime Minister of Newfoundland, and other Ministers of the overseas Dominions of the British Empire, who were introduced by Mr. Lloyd George. On behalf of the Supreme War Council, M. Clemenceau and Signor Orlando tendered to these representatives the thanks of the Allied nations for the very great services rendered on the battlefield during the war by their troops.
The Supreme War Council considered the present situation of the war in all its aspects in conjunction with General Foch and other military advisers and came to important decisions in regard thereto.
Among those present during the session were M. Clemenceau, Mr. Lloyd George, Signor Orlando, M. Pichon, Mr. Balfour, Lord Milner, Baron Sonnino, General Foch, Sir Henry Wilson, Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, General Pershing and the permanent military representatives at Versailles.