File No. 861.51/463

The Assistant Secretary of the Treasury (Rathbone) to the Acting Secretary of State

Dear Mr. Polk: In view of a talk which the President had with the Secretary of the Treasury just before he left, I judge that the Treasury should not consent to the payment of any further interest on Russian privately owned obligations held in this country unless the interest on the Russian obligations held by the United States Government is first paid or an arrangement satisfactory to the Treasury for this payment be secured. Accordingly I have written Mr. Ughet a letter, of which I enclose herewith a copy.

Very truly yours,

Albert Rathbone
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The Assistant Secretary of the Treasury (Rathbone) to the Russian Financial Attaché (Ughet)

Dear Mr. Ughet: In view of the fact that no part of the interest due on November 15 last on the obligations of the Russian Government held by the United States has been paid, I do not see how the Treasury Department can consent to the payment of interest on the obligations of the Russian Government privately owned in the United States. I understand that an interest payment will fall due on the first of January. If you desire I shall be very glad to talk with you in regard to the matter when you are next in Washington.

Very truly yours,

Albert Rathbone