File No. 860d.00/111
The Minister in Sweden (Morris) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 27, 2.23 a.m.]
1950. As soon [as] telegraphic communication was restored with Helsingfors, I telegraphed our Consul to ask after his welfare and received following answer on April 23:
Thanks. The past terrible, the present bearable, and the future uncertain. Will telegraph fully when censorship is lifted.
To-day am in receipt of the following cipher from him:
Germans successfully quelling Red Guards. With alleged good intentions, Finnish White Guard government is now in power. Requisitioning all tobacco, oil, coffee, copper, and cloth. Generally understood such is not for Germany. Almost all of these articles obtained from America and England upon guarantee by Finnish buyers not to reexport. Telegraph present status food question in regard to Finland.
Am telegraphing him to-day in regard to food question.