File No. 861.00/1172
The Ambassador in Japan (Morris) to the Secretary of State
[Received 3.31 p.m.]
The French Minister of Foreign Affairs has in strict confidence advised the Japanese Government that his Government entirely sympathizes with the desire of Japan to take immediate action in Siberia and is exchanging views with other Allies. The following authorized statement was issued to the press this morning:
The Imperial Government of Japan is not yet in a position to commence military activities in Siberia. The situation created by the chaotic conditions in Russia is now being carefully considered. It is believed that it will be some time before any decision will be [Page 61] reached by the Government. The views of the Allied powers must be ascertained and the fullest understanding reached before a final decision can be made.
The Advisory Council of Foreign Affairs has been called to meet in special session on March 1 to consider Russian crisis.