File No. 763.72/8653
The Ambassador in France (Sharp) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 27, 3 a.m.]
3100. Joint telegram from the Ministers of United States, England, France, and Italy, dated Jassy, January 23:
The head of the Ukrainian delegation has communicated to us the following information: The Ukrainian delegates at Brest Litovsk have received full powers to negotiate peace with the Central Empires. The latter are insisting especially on the resumption of economic relations. They ask to exchange their manufactured products against provisions from the Ukraine. The government of Kiev not disposing of an army, and being obliged to employ its feeble police forces against the Maximalists, cannot resist the pressure [Page 664] of the Germanic powers. According to Mr. Galip the Ukraine, even after conclusion of peace, will endeavor to safeguard its future, to maintain good relations with the Allied powers, to organize itself with their help and to limit to the inevitable minimum the amount of provisions sent to our enemies. Mr. Galip also states that the Ukraine will assist in the revictualing of Rumania and the evacuation of national Czech, Serbian, and Transylvanian armies. It is doubtful in the present state of anarchy and in presence of the German occupation, whether the Ukraine will have the means of conforming to the intentions if they are sincere. …